Chance me for some schools please

<p>Just got my SATs back and I got an 1860 my girst time around. Now I have 4 months ahead of me to actually study. I plan on applying to Cornell, UPenn (Early Decision to School of Engineering and applied sciences.), Harvard (my brother went undergrad, Samyr Laine he's is going to the Olympics look him up!), Duke, Northwestern, Princeton, UVA (Early action and OOS), UNC (Early Action and OOS).
My Freshman Year
Geometry Honors: B+
Biology Honors: B+
Global Studies Honors: A
English9 HonorsA
Spanish 2: B
Sophmore Year
Trig and Alg 2 Honors A
Chemistry Honors: B+
Global Studies Honors: A
English Honors: A
Spanish 3: A
Health and Intro to Business: A
Junior Year (which I'm in now)
AP Chem: A-
Pre Calc Honors: first quater:84/100, second quater: 98/10, third quater 100/100, fourth quater: 98/100
My final grade for pre calc honors is an A
AP US History: A-
English 11 Honors: A
Intensive Italian: A
Engineering/ Future Design:A
Top 2 spots on Varsity Tennis since seventh Grade, President of Italian Club, Treasurer of Chem. Club, volunteering at local hospital this summer, running a community tennis camp tbis summer while teaching at another camp that pays in another town , sales associate at adidas for the duration of junior year, running for vice president of NHS this fall, National Science Honor Society, helped teach tennia at mt club on weekends during my sophmore year, Solar Car Club in 12th grade.
Tied with another student for the highest score on the Chemistry Olympiad in my school. Nominated for the departmental award for AP Chem, it was between myself and the same student I tied with and he ended up winning.
Placed second in the county wide high school tennis tournament last year and 3rd in the Section tournament. Qualified for the Empire State Games in 7ththe grade. I will compete for Haiti next summer in Junior tennis competition even though I was born here.</p>

<p>Rec: i will get my recs from my chem teacher who I had two years in a row and formed a close relationship with. Also from my pre calc teacher who saw my improveme t through out the year.
Other: I attend school in the inner city in the town with the highest murder rate in New York, Newburgh. I will mention this in some of my essays.
Ethnicity: My parents are Haitian immigrants but I was born here so Im black. But my brother is competing for Haiti in the Olympics and I am.competing for them next year.</p>

<p>Thank you to whoever takes the time to read it. Chances and advice will surely help. 'Preciate it and God Bless!</p>

<p>Also my freshman year was wack. But I got better as I went along. Will colleges notice my improvement?</p>

<p>Helped teach tennis at my club*</p>

<p>Oops and I was inducted into the Italian Honors Society this year</p>

<p>Annnd Im taking Math II and Chem SAT subject tests in June</p>

<p>your grades/SATs might be a little weak, but you have really solid ECs and seems like alot of passion for tennis and chemistry so if you focus on these and work to get your SATs up i think you have a good shot!</p>

<p>Yea I realized Ill have to study more this time because they need to be brought up some. 'Preciate it!</p>

<p>bump, any more input would be appreciated</p>


<p>Make sure you talk about Haiti in your essays. I think it’s a great hook especially that you’re participating in the olympics!</p>

<p>Thanks, and thats actually my brother Samyr Laine competing in the Olympics. Im just competing for Haiti in a International Junior Tennis competition</p>

<p>I’d appreciate any more chances/advice</p>


<p>SAT subject scores: Math II: 660 Chem:A- 650</p>

<p>Chemistry: 650*</p>

<p>Chemistry: 650*</p>

<p>Buuuuuuump help please!</p>

<p>Jlaine, I don’t mean to sound rude, but you’ve posted countless chance threads all over this forum! Regardless of what advice we give you, we can’t truly predict your chances. We’re not admissions officers. </p>

<p>Work hard, stay focused, improve your tests scores, and get involved! That’s all you need to do.
Whatever happens, happens.</p>

<p>The African American forum, this is my only thread. I dont really want chances just advice thanks though</p>

<p>Your scores are low for all the schools you are applying to. Do you have any safeties or matches you are applying to?</p>