Chance me for Texas A&M Biochemistry Major

My Stats (in state) are:

GPA: 3.4893 UW/4.35 W

Rank: 13.5%

SAT: 1310 (not academic admit I know. oof.)

15 AP Classes (5 science and 2 math)

Very strong, glowing hot letter of rec

A good essay in which I outlined how I overcame a struggle (house fire sophomore year)

Officer position at a current events and politics club (we also conduct voter registration in the school and community) Junior-senior year

Member at key club and docs club sophomore-junior year (yea my ec’s are weak)

AP Scholar with distinction

I’ve heard different things on whether this helps or hurts for big colleges: ability to afford tuition (parents make 200k/year)

What might not help: White Male

Anyways, its not like its the only one I applied to or anything, I already applied to tech and got in a week after applying.

You have an excellent shot at full admit. You’re parents income and your skin color will not hinder you.