Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Because there is no way to confirm the veracity of the post. And on a site called College Confidential, such a post could be viewed (as I viewed it) as an invasion of your privacy. At no point in this thread did you give someone else the authorization to speak for you. if you want to step away, you can certainly PM me to temporarily close the thread

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I apologize if we did anything wrong! /nervously, sheepish

I don’t want to close this thread, at least not until I know of my plans for the future. If there’s any other issues with the thread, you can feel free to close it. I just don’t want to cause any commotion or do anything wrong. /yeah i got nervous seeing mods here, genuine

Interesting in message 23 you were already talking about a gap year. I only went back bcuz someone noted my post.

Ps I didn’t flag your dog but I wondered who he was and looked him up. He has posted b4 and didn’t identify as your brother.

The entire chain from beginning to end is …unusual.

Btw in message 3 another poster correctly acknowledged UMass was the only likely.

I point this out just to share your list was definitely not well designed and that should be a topic for tonight’s discussion. You all need a serious review b4 you move forward.

Best of luck.


I consider him a brother- he’s been over to my place before, etc, we’re super close. so…chosen family- since blood does not exclusively a family make. /softly, sheepish, clarifying

And thanks. /genuinely

If the mods feel like the thread should be closed, again, feel free to close the thread and I can always start a new “with updates” thread. /musing

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I’ve been here all along. /supporting


I don’t know whether that’s a bad or a good thing, but okay! /sheepish, nervously

It’s a good thing.


OP please go back and read the first 30 or 40 posts.

You almost need to share with your family.

While some are less direct than others, the collective group got this right. And early. It was noted by many early on your list - even the GWs of the world - was far off. And this is after reading your wonderful profile - which it is btw - from message one and paid off with a great LLC and program at a fine school.

They need to understand this. Then you get to the end and this same group has said no to gap year. Seems to me, while not always delivered equally, you’ve gotten consistent and very accurate guidance.

You also note the family income is $75k. I assume based on the $3500 grant from NEU that the previous year was much higher and this will cause financial issue heading forward. Or your family has large assets. They must have given the private hs too. But without knowing your total picture, that is worrysome too - having income less than the annual cost with little expense.


The OP has asked for some time to review and digest and speak with his family and others IRL. In order to give him a break, I’m closing the thread temporarily at his request.


This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

exhales there is a lot to unpack. i’ll probably post this weekend what I’ve decided (even though some of it is still in the works at the time of posting). /sighing


At this point, you’ve read everyone’s perspective, advice, and encouragement. You’ve talked to your family and counselor. The deadline is days away. Whatever the decision is, just be at peace with it.

It won’t really matter what anyone here thinks, so hopefully, you can just embrace the future with confidence that you made the best decision given your options.


Completely agree-
OP: you have zero obligation to share your decision or explain yourself to this forum. I can see how that might be unnecessarily stressful! Best wishes to you and your family.


OP, you have managed over the last many months to convince a large bunch of strangers, admittedly ones with strong parental tendencies/ winking/ to care very much about you and your future. We’re even making you craxy with that care like real-life parents!

Hoping that you are feeling that warmth, concern, care, and support and that our collective wishes for strength and peace make their way to you. You’ve got this! /hokey , cringe-worthy, parent fist-pump./


It costs $200 to hold your spot at umass. No matter what has been decided, it would be money well spent.


Y’all- I appreciate it so much. You guys have no idea how much you guys caring means. /happily, bit shy

I am incredibly excited to say that I will be attending Northeastern Boston in the fall of 2024- (guaranteed spot, our contract and deposit are arriving soon and we will do it as soon as it arrives-) and I will be taking a gap year first. Go Huskies ‘27!! /happily

I have so much planned for the gap year, but I know that since I was a 6 year old, I’ve been hitting the ground running towards my career- and now I can (slightly) hit pause and focus on a few things that will really help me. Little me deserves to rest a bit. /honest, thoughtful

I plan to do a ton of clinical shadowing and interning- I’m grateful to have mentors who are giving me some amazing opportunities- I have a potential opportunity to do generics shadowing at BCH (my dream place to work.) I’ll also be riding competitively more than I did in high school, since high school made it harder to ride often since one day at the barn is about 5 hours. Over the gap year I’ll be riding 3-4 days a week (20-30 hours/week), and I’m already regionals bound this summer, so let’s see how that goes! I’ll also be taking some online and in-person college classes at Harvard (through the extension school), and at BU. The good thing is NEU just needs me to have a certain amount of credits to transfer over, so I will be entering as a sophomore. /happily, thoughtful

Overall, this process has been so stressful and tiring but I’m incredibly, incredibly grateful for everyone here on this thread supporting me. Special thanks to the “parents” of the thread. I will definitely be giving updates on how my time goes, and I’m just super excited to see where my future takes me. I’m incredibly grateful to my parents as well, and to God especially for guiding me through all of this. /happily

is proud beaming anyways, that’s my little thing. I thought I’d tell you guys. /happily


Congratulations on your decision!!! I hope you have a great gap year and that you will periodically check back in to let us know how you are doing!

Congrats again!


Omg congrats!! I’ve been reading this thread and I’m really happy for you to finally work something out and be able to find a college for yourself that you are excited about :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy that things worked out the way you hoped. Congrat and best wishes.