Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Congratulations on your decision


Congratulations on your decision!

I am a little confused here. To enter as a sophomore you would need probably 30 hours. That’s basically a full college schedule for your “gap year.”

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Yeah, I’m not 100% sure about how many classes I need to take but I will ask NEU about that. /honestly, thoughtful

Perhaps NEU will count your 4 APs and 2 DE classes towards that goal-good to nail down your requirements. Good luck.


Congratulations on your decision! Good luck!!

If the AP exam score is 4 or 5.


All good news.

Definitely understand exactly what you need to get next year in terms of credits in order to transfer to Northeastern. Get their reply in writing if at all possible (email is fine). I would also try to get classes you take next year pre-approved by Northeastern as being transferable (may be best to focus on general ed requirements).

And yes, you may need to curtail gap year plans in order to get the required credits to comlete the transfer.

Again, all best wishes moving forward.


So they will take you only as a sophomore next fall, with 30 credits that they would accept. You are putting yourself into a risky position. I strongly urge you to send in the deposit to umass. If ypu dont do well on your APs, the likelihood of your plan succeeding will be greatly decreased, and you will at least have preserved the offer from umass. You didnt take a standardized test. As far as i know, u havent yet gotten a high grade on an AP exam yet. What if your APs are 3 or less? If you send in a deposit to umass, and your AP scores wind up 3 or less, you can still pivot back to the umass option. Keep your options open by sending in that deposit.


I am not taking any AP exams (although I took 2 APs last semester.) NEU has said the credits I need I can do through online or in-person college classes over my gap year and I will be in contact with them soon about the specifics of it. I appreciate the advice about UMass, but we are set on NEU. I hope I don’t sound tone-deaf to the advice you’re giving, I genuinely do appreciate it. /honest, warmly, respectfully

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Then you are talking about full-time freshman year of college without enrolling anywhere. This is not really a gap year.


The applicant has made his decision. So UMass is off the table

More to the point, double depositing is unethical. You know it. I know it. The college knows it. “Everyone is doing it” is likely an answer you never accepted from your children, so let’s refrain from offering that as advice. And it violates ToS.


OP- congrats on your decision.

If you are deciding between Harvard Extension and BU, just make sure you verify that med school’s will accept Harvard Extension credits (you will not be in the Harvard Extension Post-Bacc program which is for med school applicants who already have a Bachelor’s degree, so don’t confuse the two).

Best wishes to you!


Thank you so much for sharing your plans with us. Wishing you the best with them, and hope you’ll continue to give us updates!

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She is not double depositing! Northeastern has said they will take her only as a sophomore, having earned 30 credits somewhere else. She has to go sonewhere for freshman year!


I agree with this…and make sure you talk with Northeastern’s pre-health advising about crafting a 4 year plan that gives you the best opportunity to put together a strong med school application (even though that may well entail a few post grad years).

@wayoutwestmom can you share insights for OP? They will be entering NEU as a soph in fall 2024, have some HS DE credits, and will be taking some classes (not sure how many) in the 2023-24 year at a different school (to be determined).


WOW that’s true…great point.

I have been reading this thread and congratulations on making a decision you are happy with. I am sure you know the expression: “The devil is in the details.” This is relevant to the 30 credits NE would require by Fall 2024. This is very likely 7 or 8 college level classes [could be more depending on where/how you take these classes]. It will be very important to be 100% certain that you know what “30 credits” means from NE’s perspective in terms of what they would allow/accept in order to meet the 30 credit threshold. As one poster suggested, sorting this out on the front end by having NE review the proposed classes and indicate in writing that they will accept them is excellent advice. Good luck!


Med schools will accept prereqs done at any accredited 4 yr college. They could do the courses in person at the local state college. Whether the med school accepts the applicant is a different story, but it is perfectly valid to do prereqs ar any 4 ye college.

Not necessarily online classes though!


As a physician with academic affiliation who attended a variety of institutions from T10 undergrad onward, there would be no advantage of NEU over UMass for med school admissions. It took me 2 tries to get into med school from my T10 as my engineering GPA was not stellar, but I also think attending a smaller more personal school and being in an honors program like the one you’re offered at UMass may have been a better launchpad.

The gap year with random classes may actually be more of a negative, or at least a question mark requiring explanation, for med school admission. The only advantage I could see in a gap year and reapplying to other schools, would be schools that have combined BS-MD programs. Otherwise I see no advantage in delaying a year for NEU when there is a long road ahead for med school, possibly MD/PhD based on your interest, residency, fellowship, etc…

UMass honors with the bio program, starting this year, at a lower cost, and still close to home and your medical specialists, seemed like a clearly better choice for getting to medical school. Is it still possible to enroll there for 2023 even if you have a spot at NEU for 2024, since you need to take your freshman year coursework somewhere anyway?