Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

I hear back today if I get the single or not, so we’ll see. /warmly

You can major in anything in undergrad school as a premed intention as long as you take the required courses for medical school applicants.


Agree, you can take any major as long as you fulfill the pre-med requirements. Having the English component may help you to stand out as a person who possesses strong written communication skills – which is never a bad thing.


I’ll speak to my folks then, and I’ll most likely end up switching into the Biology/English combined major in that case. /happily, appreciative

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What is the difference between the biology major vs biology/English combined major (other than the obvious addition of English courses)? Just asking out of curiosity, both are ok for pre-Med track.

I think it just presents a nicer balance of Bio + English classes-

Biology and English, BS | Northeastern University Academic Catalog

the link is here, if you want to take a look. I also just think showing that I do well in humanities/language will show that I am academically strong in other areas, too. /thoughtful

You will have some flexibility even after you start college. It is OK to take some classes and see what you think. It is good to have a starting point that feels like it makes sense but you should not feel “locked in” by the choice.

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Med schools like people who major in the humanities because they like people who are more “humane”, meaning that they feel that people who are other than hard science majors may be more likely to relate well to others.

Really, the only difference any of this makes to first semester is if you wind up taking just chem with lab, or add in bio with lab too. You’d probably have to take an English class anyways, and you’ll probably need to take Calc. If you’re planning on a bio major, you’d probably need to take Bio 1 with lab, too, in first semester. 4 classes with 2 labs is gonna be a heavy load.

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I’d agree with that. Two lab classes in the 1st semester would be hard.

The best order for calculus, general chemistry, and biology classes is complicated and depends on the specific school/department. It’s important to have mastered high school level chemistry before taking biology. However, some versions of college general chemistry classes do require some calculus (usually taking concurrently is ok). Also schools like Northeastern run several different versions of their Calculus and Chemistry classes; I believe they have “for life science” versions too. Checking with academic advisor or professor about the formal/informal prerequisites and recommended courses before taking a class is a must.

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I’m not sure which classes I would be taking with the Bio/Eng combined major but I’ll first have to talk to my folks before “changing” the
major- and I’ll take a look at the courses properly. /thoughtful

You can also talk to advisors once you are on campus.


I spoke with my mom and I just put in the request to switch to the Biology + English combined major (it’s on my portal)- I’ll call Admissions tomorrow (they’re closed atm) to make sure that i don’t need to do anything else. /happily


Sounds like a plan!

Do you know if anything else is needed or is it just that straightforward? /curiously

also still haven’t heard back from the DRC on the single request yet /adding on

Okay well I just got a confirmation on my portal that my major has been officially changed + approved. It’s also changed on my decision letter. /happily


My radiation oncologist - who has an MD from Harvard Medical School - majored in English Literature in undergrad. So you are in fine company.

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That’s pretty cool- and thanks for letting me know! I got my major change approved a little while ago, so I’m happy about it. /happily

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All medical school students need strong written communication skills. This is needed and is an expectation.


So here’s a little sentimental something I know y’all will find sweet-

My mom was chatting with me yesterday, and “Humble and Kind” by TimMcGraw came on my country playlist. (Sue me, I like country.)

Now for those of you who don’t know, I went to a summer camp in Maine for 7 weeks when I was entering middle school. My first time away from home. I put that song on the iPod I had, and I loved it. So much.

I hand wrote letters to her back and forth from camp, and she told me yesterday that every time she wrote me a letter, she’d listen to Humble and Kind thinking of me (and crying.)

But that song marks a transition for us- for me- and my mom was like, “yeah, the first day of college I’ll be putting that on blast all over again.”

The lyrics go a little like this-

Hold the door, say please, say thank you
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you’re dreamin’ come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind

When you get where you’re goin’, don’t forget turn back around. Help the next one in line.

I graduate in 4 weeks. Then it’s college… and time flies by so fast. I remember dancing away in my bunk at camp to this song, and now it’ll be walking around the Kretz Quad listening to this on the way to English class. It’s crazy. /fondly

I just thought this would be a sweet little sentimental thing- and the song has made it to my college playlist, I’ll have you know. /reminiscing, fondly, a little emotional


You will be SO close to home, neither of you should waste a second mourning your leaving home.