Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

it’s not about that- it’s rather change in the air, new transitions. I’m quite close to home, but it’s about the fact that I’m growing up and moving forward/on into a new chapter of life is what the song represents for both of us- hence the emotionality, if that makes sense? Sometimes I word things wrong. /explaining

I agree…you will be starting a new and exciting chapter of your life soon. All good and happy changes…but changes nonetheless.

also we now have to meet with the DRC about the single request bc they didn’t approve it yet but they said they will with more documentation /sighing

Think about whether you actually want a single. Maybe with your health issues you need one, but a roommate does keep loneliness at bay bit because there is someone else around. You may or may not be friends, but it is someone else you know (and you will meet her friends). Just a thought and maybe irrelevant if it really does not mesh with your health needs. My oldest had her first year in 2020 during covid and everyone that went to campus had singles. She found it very isolating.


Have you joined the IG /FB pages for incoming NEU freshman? Obv a great way to start meeting friends and making some valuable connections, especially if you are angling for a single…and if it doesn’t get approved you might meet potential roomies! You’ve gotta meet your people!! The content of your frequent updates here may also be fodder for more fruitful and productive conversations with your new classmates! :v:


I’m late to this thread but OP I just wanted to add on that you are super impressive. You are obviously very smart but also I love your tenacity, empathy, and strength. You have handled yourself better than most older adults through a very stressful application/decision process, and I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am, and that you should be so excited about all the great things you will achieve!!!


Everyone is different but my kid much preferred having a roommate her freshman year. It was great for her to come to her room and have someone there she could talk to. They had a good bond, even though they never hung out outside the dorm. It was very useful for warding off loneliness. For her sophomore year, she definitely wanted a single.

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I have heard great stories of lifelong friendships with roommates, and horrible stories of roommates with mental illness, or who were just really horrible SOBs, who ruined the person’s freshman year. I’d go with the single, if at all possible. You will make tons of friends on your floor, and through riding, and through your classes, through clubs. In my mind, it’s just too much risk. Later on, you can choose roommates. And if you get the single? You’d be surprised how many times your room will become the refuge for those who are having roommate problems!


oh my goodness thank you so much!! /warmly

Honestly, I don’t even know what else to say except thank you. It seems quite a few of you have the same viewpoint, and I’m incredibly humbled that that is how I come off. I really try my best to be empathetic, kind, humble, dedicated, etc. When I speak, I want to represent my values, where I come from, and God. I don’t have any other words to express other than the above. It means the world to me, so thank you so much. /warmly, meaningfully


I haven’t, mostly because I don’t use social media at all! I have an account for IG, but I only recently activated it after a year of closing it. I find no use for social media- but I’m sure I’ll find my people once I step onto campus! And I know updating y’all might seem boring, but I wanna make sure y’all are in the loop too <3 /warmly

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That’s lovely and awesome. Totally made me cry. :slight_smile:

I encouraged all of mine to go traditional with hallways bathrooms to meet the most people. My oldest 2 had 2 different roommates in 2 different dorms, the next had a forced triple, moved off campus the following year with 1 of them and 4 others from the dorm (they’ll be friends for life), 1 of my kids had a roommate and they shared an apartment the following year, another was put with someone he had nothing in common with but it wasn’t bad. During Covid there were so many lonely students in singles, especially the freshmen. I had the same college roommate and dorm room for 4 years, still friends today (there were 8 of us in 4 rooms in the dorm, bathroom down the hall. I haven’t heard many horror stories (although they are out there).

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just a happy mother’s day to everyone <3 i’m about to start studying for a bit and then we’re going out for mom’s day brunch but y’all enjoy today. /happily


my precalc final has me stressed out so bad it’s not even funny (i’m sure September me is laughing rn but we’ll ignore him)- my teacher weighs our tests and quizzes pretty dang hard- 30% for each category and then smushes it together to make 60% of our grade.

Our final is cumulative covering 4 units (with a TON of info) and I’ve been studying since last week (with my tutor) and it would take a literal F (I calculated but don’t look at me for the math stuff) to screw my grade over to a C/C- (it’s a B+ right now)- historically I get C+'s or B-'s on my quizzes/tests- but I’m just stressing out since Northeastern was like “Oh yeah we’ll rescind if you get anything below a C for your overall grade” in the enrollment terms. Really can’t afford for that to happen… the final is sometime next week, so.

/stress central but it’ll be over after next week thank God

any encouragement or advice while I gear up for this week before finals is helpful. also no, I don’t have finals in any other classes, just my final presentation for my Capstone. Everything is a predicted A (spoke to my teachers)- right now my Capstone grade is an 85 (B) but I’m hoping to get an A after my final presentation. /adding on

for some good news- I got a 93 on one ASL exam and a perfect score on the other, so I can breathe easy with that class. /happily

:sparkles: does jazz hands :sparkles:

There are things within your locus of control. Studying with your tutor, reviewing your notes, paying diligent attention in class. All of those things will help your understanding of precalc and math, no matter what happens on the exam (though presumably, they would improve the odds of doing well).

There are other things that are outside of your control. What your final score is on the exam.

Just focus on the things that you do have control over and don’t worry about the rest.

Good luck on your capstone project! And CONGRATULATIONS on the ASL work!!! I’ll add a round of applause to your jazz hands!

Round Of Applause GIFs | Tenor

/Smiling and feeling energetic excitement

hi I just got invited to give a TED talk and the Dean of Harvard Med is here and I just gave the talk I am shaking- and I just got an internship at BCH (dream place) /crying happily

(It’s a TEDxBoston talk I was going to attend, but the guy knows my dad but once he heard my story, he was so moved he invited me to speak 10 minutes BEFORE the talk.) /for context


Wow! That’s truly unbelievable!
Curious - where is “here”- when you say Dr Daley is “here” - and you say he knows your dad? Or did you mean someone else?
What is the topic of the TED talk you delivered? After following your story for so long we’d all love to look it up and check it out! & What are the details of your BCH internship?!

The head of the TEDx talks knows my dad- not the Dean of Harvard Med. /happily

“Here” is where the talk is- I’m at the talk right now! /happily

The topic of my TED talk is all on my rare disease story- I will PM y’all if you want to see it when it’s up! /happily

I will let you know the details soon once I coordinate! /happily


Your happiness is contagious!

I’m dizzy with awe. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this but they’re posting the video of my talk soon. /happily