Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

this is really awesome news. So happy for you!

thank you so much. it’s a dream come true. /elated

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The talk photos just got sent to me!! They look so good and I wish I could share them with y’all. :’) (alas, I cannot.) /happily


One of the speakers emailed my dad and said this about my talk-

-it’s no longer here bc a mod took it down but it’s a lot of nice words essentially-


/I have no words

(for context there was a cropped email here but that got taken down)


Simply amazing. You are an inspiration. :heart:


You should print that comment and put a copy in your wallet, a copy on your mirror, a copy on your computer, and a copy in your pencil bag, and wherever else that it will be a reminder of the power you have within yourself.

I’m so very proud of you and happy for you.



Looking for a TEDx talk in Boston on that date but not seeing it. Wanted to be proud for you first-hand! Sorry they took it down.

In any case, congratulations!

OP- Please let us know how to see your TEDx talk.


Or not, since this is College Confidential and you can keep your anonymity :wink:


Absolutely. However, the OP shared this, it’s only natural we have interest in following the journey. The OP shared the details.

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Respectfully, I think the “adults in the room” should discourage the OP from sharing any identifiable information. This forum is open to the public and will be available “forever”.

I appreciate the OP’s kind offer and understand their excitement and well-deserved pride. But any information along those lines should be communicated via PM. Although I would also discourage a kid from sharing anything, even in PM, with anonymous posters.

Note: I get it though. We’re all invested in this amazing young adult. :smiley::heart:


Let me be clear; I’ll delete any such link. Teenagers might not know better than to share, but adults certainly should know better than to ask.


Got it. My apologies.

blinks hello everyone- firstly, I’m not even on the original panel of speakers at the TEDx event, so you’re not gonna find me there. /softly

Secondly- while I appreciate the sentiment, I would like to practice some internet safety and not disclose who I am to this thread. I would really need to go through an entire background check on a person before I could even think of sending that video link to anyone in PMs- for my own sake and my family’s sake. /half-playful, half-serious, honest

But I genuinely really appreciate everyone cheering for me and being so proud. It means the world. /warmly

Unfortunately or not, y’all won’t be seeing my video anytime soon. That being said if you stumble upon it- that’s great; and you can always PM me your thoughts. /grinning


side note- my teacher has given us a project for precalc which is 15% of our grade- which could also save my grade. /halleujah yes

is it a group project? also yes. wonderful. /sighing

so it’s hitting me hard that i’m graduating in 2 weeks. oh, the feels are real. I can’t even describe how bittersweet this is for me. my HS has given me some of the most amazing mentors and people i’ve met, and it’s so bizarre to think i’m leaving so soon. /how what

long sappy speech/post to come. /softly


2 days until my last day of school. Sappy post coming this Friday. In the meantime- I’m both ready…and not ready, to graduate (emotionally, I mean.) /sighing, reminiscent, bittersweet and excited

At the request of the OP, I’ve scheduled this thread to close this weekend. They will start a new thread focusing on the next chapter of their adventure


before this thread automatically closes… let me give a HUGE thank you to everyone on this thread who have gotten me (somewhat in part) to this point where I can say I’m at a school I never even thought would’ve admitted me. /happily, emotional

secondly… where, oh where has the time gone? it feels like just yesterday I was lost trying to find my physics classroom (because they’re hidden in the stairwells, how is any freshman gonna find it?) and meeting so many incredible people who’re so so talented, and all of the life-changing teachers i’ve met along the way. I’ve never been more grateful to every single teacher who has single-handedly shaped the way I see their respective fields. i’ve met my life-long friends here and elsewhere through high school and it’s been such a long road.

I’ll share an original poem that sums up how i feel (also no this isn’t published anywhere so it’s non-identifying):

this is about my APWH class which has… gosh, I’m tearing up, but we became such a family and a community and that teacher changed my life. /shyly

lessons learned

the bell rings, reverberating into nothingness

the clamber of students,

tidal waves of smaller currents pushing back and forth.

Room number [redacted for privacy]

an ordinary room to most,

but a home to others.

For it holds so much.

open the door,

and you see not students and their teacher,

but a family.

reintroductions are always a must,

but they’re never boring.

full of laughter and weird tastes

and you could almost see it

knowledge being passed down

from person to person

like the Indian Ocean Trade.

somehow writing practices turn into ribboned packages

of experienced knowledge

and yet it’s not enough

there’s more to learn,

so she hands them more

flames of


sparking so brightly

you wonder


but it’s not just for the sake of college credits


looking good so maybe their futures won’t be screwed

that these misfits and nerds band together for.

they came together for knowledge,

And maybe the college credits, too.

they left with tears in their eyes

hearts filled with humility and love

and a thirst for knowledge and


but she made history here.

she made history with these students.

weaving stories into tapestries like those created in

the Song Dynasty,

ricocheting passion into each lesson like the exploration of gunpowder,

through the darkness of an uncertain future,

she pushed the kids to explore past their

made horizons, just as Christopher Columbus did.

but even further so.

beyond their wildest dreams,

she expanded so far it bested the Mongol Empire,

granting wisdom more deep than the Scientific Revolution.

when her students graduated,

they spoke of the teacher who transformed them.

and how their room was a place they’d never forget,

for their wit, kindness, experience and knowledge

led them to the lessons learned

and that meant more to any of them than a diploma could ever state.

this has been an insane journey- I couldn’t have done it without my parents, friends, family, semi-retired service doggo, this little village here, and incredible teachers. I’m so incredibly eager to see where college takes me and where I end up for medical school (eventually!!) /happily

they say it takes a village to raise a child, and boy does it- but it also takes a village to support someone- and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know some of you here- sorta, at least. /warmly, grateful

I’m graduating with Honors Distinction (2-3 predicted/confirmed As and a B+/B for this quarter’s grades), and while we do not “formally” do cum laude status, I will be graduating summa cum laude. It doesn’t feel real, yet here we are. What a ride, y’all, what a journey. /reminiscent

I’m so grateful for everyone on here, and please stay tuned for my “Freshman Year” thread to start a week before orientation!! I will tag some/most of you when I make it. Feel free to share comments or anything you wanna say before this thread closes!! /warmly, happily

GO HUSKIES, and go HS Class of 2023!! /excitedly


Very nice :ok_hand:t3:

Best wishes at Northeastern! May you fly high :slightly_smiling_face: