Washington state University
University of Oregon
Temple University
Indiana University
Central Washington University
American University(I know its a really hard school but whatever)
UMASS Amherst
Penn State
University of Maryland
Freshman 1 honors/advance class(during second semester I switch the honors English) Sophomore year: 2 advance classes Junior year: Three aps 1 honors first semester 2nd semester 2 aps senior year 4 ap classes.
Lower grades aren’t allow to take AP classes also we don’t have that many AP classes either not like other schools. My school is very low rated, we have horrible teachers, and our school district testing rates are not at an average amount of students who has passed all the state test requirements, my school district is failing if that gives you guys anything. The only good teachers at my school are the English teachers, some of my teachers don’t even let us look through our textbooks, usually the AP teachers are better than regular teachers which they are but they aren’t exactly great, they don’t always answer with a straight forward comment. Though I have two great recommendations from my AP Biology teacher which I’ve had before for regular honors biology and have known her for three years, while I’ve known my counselor since elementary school, before she even became the counselor for my high school, also my principle goes to my church and I know his family so he is going to write a recommendation which all the people recommendations I have will be sent off to the colleges that I’m applying to.
9th grade: (1st) 2.080 (switched schools)
9th grade: (2nd) 3.240W
10th grade:(1st) 3.120W
10th grade:(2nd) 3.129W
11th grade:(1st) 3.233W
11th grade:(2nd) 2.9W
12th grade:(1st) 3.73W
I know my grades are terrible but I should have a chance to go somewhere, I know I can get into WSU and Central. But if there are anymore colleges that could possibly let me in because of my improvement, also I’m going to write about my biggest struggle in my life is having a disability and living a life with depression but improving from it.
My weighted gpa right now is a 3.73 but I’ve done crappy in the past because of my depression and my grandma dying two days before taking the SAT and I contemplated to kill myself but now I’m getting better, I got to the point where I couldn’t focus on anything and ended up having a hard time spelling the simplest of words
I’m a woman also African American, Alaskan native/ Eskimo, and white. I have a couple physical disabilities severe scoliosis, and terrible breathing problems.
Extracurricular : Editor of Yearbook(this year) also I went to yearbook camp during the summer, Secretary of Key club (continuing on 2 years), Church Leader, Art club (1 year), Speech and Debate(2 years), I volunteer at my church, I’ve also tutored a 5th grader for a year, a pep rally person who has to sit in a secluded area only for squad members to cheer at all the games(not cheerleaders) just students who signed up to go to all the football games.
Hobbies or interests: Writing, photography, reading, drawing.
My Sat score is a 1280
Anymore that I could have a chance in comment below I’m really interested in Business or Journalism. I don’t care really anywhere pick a few in California, and some colleges on the east coast maybe. Just find colleges that I could have a chance of getting into and that are good or decent, Don’t comment about how horrible my grades are I know just tell me what colleges I should look into applying for.