Chance me for top CS schools!

And the pattern that Harvard wants is to mark every Asian that applies with a personality of “2” out of 5. Yeah, “H” knows what they are doing all right.

Question for anyone out there …

My dad just received a wage cut as part of his company’s new financial strategy or whatever. We used to make $50k a year but it’s now down to $40k. How can I update colleges about this because it makes it much harder for me and my family to cover the college expenses. Super worried right now.

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Contact the financial aid office of each college and ask how to proceed with this changed financial information.

@GoBears2023 jus wondering, you’re still #1 in your graduating class right? In terms of rank? Since that’s what UT cares about apparently

Ok, thanks for the advice! I’ve sent emails to them. Hopefully they can help out.

Yup, still #1. It’s probably because the CS program there is capped and I just didn’t make the cut. No biggie. A little bummed out but I won’t lose sleep over it.


Financial aid offices have all gotten the updated info of our income, although they said it won’t change anything drastically.

Good luck with the financial aid, sorry for your father’s wage cut.


Yeah, it sucks but nothing we can do :expressionless:




Completely unexpected. Came home early right when the mailman was delivering our mail. Saw a red package and I thought it was something from USC. I just opened it and said I will likely be admitted to the Class of 2023!!!




Results so far:
Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s), Stanford (Likely letter), ??? (Likely Letter)
Deferred: GaTech
Rejected: Cornell, UT Austin


I was seriously trying to read

before I realized that it was your happy scream!!


LOL. Thanks!

Now, you can start contemplating some harder choices. Interestingly, your list look remarkably like my Ss from a few years ago. Did you apply CMU SCS?

Yes, I did apply to CMU SCS. The choices will be not so hard depending on FA.

@GoBears2023 what if your finalists are Cal and Stanford? How will you decide? Plus with USC in the mix, I would go with the school that has the best football program.

It depends on FA. If I get the full ride to USC, it will be cheaper to go there than Cal. As for Stanford, I am hoping to get my FA package and see what the cost is. As for football, I don’t think I want to play in D1 because my skills would be put to better use doing research or something. Also, the chances of me making it to the NFL are close to zero. I am not anything special.

Dang, that’s amazing bro. The only thing that sucks would be the cost :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:frowning:


Yes, the cost will suck. Hopefully their FA pulls through. Stanford is an amazing school with a top notch CS program in the heart of Silicon Valley! It’s definitely one of my top choices.