Chance me for UC Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and Irvine please

If you accept a spot on the waitlist, you might get in. From what people have been saying on the UCSC decision thread, many have gotten off the WL in years past.

Many students don’t learn how to manage academics until they are in college. You have great options already, so I think you’ll do well.

Update: Got rejected to cal poly slo today.

@Gumbymom got accepted to UC Santa Barbara :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your acceptance and best of luck.

@NCalRent I got into ucsb

that is awesome! congrats!

Well, I got accepted to ucsb so now you have heard of someone with a 3.5 getting in :slight_smile: ! @UndyingFlame

@meb1meb1 got into UC Santa barbara’s Political science program!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@uc2022hopeful excellent news!! Congrats and very happy for you! Go Gauchos!