Chance me for UC Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and Irvine please

Hi. 18, male, in-state student/freshman applicant here.

My stats:

Weighted 10-12 UC A-G GPA: 3.58

ACT Composite: 30
ACT English: 34
ACT Math: 28
ACT Reading: 31
ACT Science: 28
ACT Writing: 6

New SAT: 1250 (630 english, 620 math)

Former Vice President of class
Current class secretary
Yearbook chief staff member
Managing staffer for newspaper
3 years in drama (lead roles in all plays)
JV Football
JV Tennis
Part-time job (15 hours a week)
Over 150 hours volunteering
Vice President of Gay-Straight Alliance Club
Vice President of Women’s Rights Club
Standard member of college club, interact club, enough club, heritage and cultures club, politics club
Active member of two political campaigns (one at the state level, one for the US House of Representatives)

Amazing personal insight responses (my english teacher said they were perfect and they were just my rough drafts)

Berkeley asked me for recommendation letters which I had two wonderful teachers volunteer to write and submit for me.

I don’t think any of those schools are likely to admit you… your GPA is and test scores simply aren’t competitive. Yyour best shot at a UC is UCM. Most of the CSUs would be happy to have you.

Hopefully, you applied more broadly.

Intended major? Other schools besides the UC that you applied? Have you been accepted to any schools yet?

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 (capped weighted) and not major specific:

UCB: 1.8%
UCLA: 2.2%
UCSD: 7.2%
UCSB: 10.1%
UCI: 11.1%
UCD: 16.6%
UCSC: 43.8%
UCR: 63.3%
UCM: 88.7%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

Since Academics are only one part of your application, they are still considered very important. I think UCSC could be possible, but the rest probably not. Hopefully you have some acceptances under your belt and applied widely.

Applied to those four UC’s, Cal Poly SLO, San Diego State, San Jose State, and got accepted already to CSU Channel Islands and Humboldt State

And I think I could get into Santa Barbara because they said they base their decisions 50% on tests and gpa, and 50% on essays and EC’s. I can say without a doubt I am the most involved student on campus, and my essays were stellar. and, my act score puts me at about the top 30% of their admitted freshmen average scores. Their middle 25th-75th percentile’s ACT scores were 26-31, and I got a 30 on it on my one and only sitting. Wish me luck that their holistic reviews really are holistic and that they give me the shot I deserve :slight_smile:

@Gumbymom I replied up there but forgot to tag you ^ and update: got accepted to san jose state last night

Congrats on SJSU and a good option to have. Best of luck with the rest. Keep us updated.

Never heard of a 3.5 gpa getting into SB, so it’s extremely unlikely. It’s still possible but your chances aren’t good, especially since this year has a record # of applicants

@NCalRent applied to these four UC’s, San Diego State, and Cal Poly Slo. I already got accepted to San Jose State, Cal State Channel Islands, and Humboldt State.

@UndyingFlame ok. thanks for the honesty. There’s still a slim chance and I’m praying lol, but If I don’t get into the UC’s, I’m happy at least that I have three acceptances under my belt with CSUCI, SJSU, and Humboldt State. :slight_smile:

@Gumbymom thank you so much. will do. I hear back from Santa Cruz on Thursday and from UCSB in a week from today. Will let everyone know results when I hear them :slight_smile: have a nice day.

@Uc2022hopeful you should be very pleased with your acceptances so far and have some excellent choices. The other UCs will be tough as you have heard but hopefully you get some good news from Santa Cruz this week. Lots of luck and no matter what happens from here on out you have grear options!

@meb1meb1 thank you!! :slight_smile:

congrats on your admissions so far. It must feel great to have a couple of viable options so early in the cycle.

I think you are on the bubble for SDSU, It could go either way. CPSLO is highly unlikely.

I don’t think this is true. I would say you could probably get into any of the CSUs with the exception of Long Beach. As for the UCs you listed in the title, however, Berkeley and Irvine are probably out, but the others have a solid chance imo.

CSUs (except CPSLO) use a simple Eligibility Index to assess applicants. The Index threshold for most majors at LB is around 3900 and for SDSU it is 4100. With a 3.58 and 1250 the OP’s EI is 4114. Comfortably over LB but, pretty close to the line for SD.

@NCalRent do you know if SDSU accepts the top students based on their eligibility index out of all students who apply? Or do they accept a certain number per major? Is major important when it comes to selecting students to admit there? I’m asking because My major is one of the least impacted majors. I applied as an LGBT Studies major at SDSU.

@uc2022hopeful: all majors are impacted.
This link will show you the applications by major, how many students accepted and how many enrolled for 2017

some majors are more competitive than others at SDSU but, none are typically much below that 4100 threshold. To the best of my knowledge they don’t target a specific number of admits per major.

Good luck!

Got waitlisted for UCSC. Kinda dashed my hopes for getting into any UC school. The sad thing is is I easily could’ve had above a 4.0 but I never realized that B’s weren’t good enough when I was younger or that AP’s aren’t as hard or scary as I always though they would be. Really disappointed :frowning: