Chance me for UCB/UCLA/UCSD/UCI/UCSB (Very Competitive High School)

In State Asian Male at Competitive High School in San Diego

ACT: 34

Math 2: 800

Physics: 750

UC GPA: 4.24

ECS: club officer, make iOS apps/bots, work at restaurant, publish poetry

Essays: I spent a lot of time on them. I think 7-8/10?


Undeclared for UCB but everything else is CS

if that’s ur capped GPA then you’ll get into UCSD, UCI, and UCSB for sure. Ur also competitive for UCB and UCLA.

@ironweasal That’s my capped. My uncapped is 4.29. Do you think I can get into UCSD, UCI, and UCSB even for computer science? Thanks!

idk about UCSD(although I personally think you will), but you definitely will for the other two. Keep in mind, however, that I am not an AO and there are many other factors that are considered for admission.

I would say probably yes for UCI and UCSB, not sure about UCSD, probably no for UCLA. You applied to L&S for Berkeley? You have a shot at that, but the hard part is then getting into the CS major as a junior.