Chance me for UCD and UCSD?

<p>I’m currently a junior attending a high school in California. I’m also Asian and female if that changes things</p>

<p>• G.P.A.: 3.8 weighted UC GPA, UW 3.6-ish
• SAT: 1930 (590 Critical Reading, 620 Math, 720 Writing)
• Honors/AP classes:
Biology 1 Honors, English 1 Honors, English 2 Honors, Chemistry 1 Honors, Spanish 2 Honors
AP English Language and Composition (4)
AP Environmental Science (4)
AP Psychology (2)
AP English Literature and Composition (currently taking)
AP Calculus AB (currently taking)</p>

<p>Senior year course load:
Wind Ensemble, AP English Literature and Composition, Astrobiology, ASB, Spanish 3, AP Calculus AB</p>

<p>• Extracurriculars:
<em>**Denotes leadership position

  • Got accepted into NHS (National Honor Society, the most prestigious club at school, as one of the four juniors who get in)
    </em>- Executive Board Member (12th)</p>

<p>• CSF

  • Active member (every semester)
    <em>**- Historian/ICC Rep/Treasurer on CSF Board (11th)
    </em>- Historian/ICC Rep on CSF Board (12th)</p>

<p>• Band (Marching season and concert season)

  • First chair flautist in Concert Band (9th grade)
  • Won Best Freshman Musician award at Fall Awards Banquet (9th grade)
  • Won Most Outstanding Musician (Concert Band Only) at Spring Banquet (9th grade)
  • First chair flautist in Wind Ensemble (10th grade and 11th grade)
    <em>**- Historian/ICC Rep on Band Council (10th grade)
    *</em><em>- Historian on Band Council (11th grade)
    *</em><em>- Flute Squad Leader (11th grade)
    </em>- Flute Co-Section Leader (12th)
  • Got asked to play flute accompaniment at Spring Choral Concert (10th grade)
  • Got asked to play flute accompaniment at Winter Choral Concert (11th grade)</p>

<p>• ASB

  • Freshman Class Council (9th grade)
    <em>**- Sophomore Class Historian (10th grade)
    *</em><em>- Junior Class Historian (11th grade)
    </em>- Senior Class President (12th)
  • School Site Council (10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade)</p>


  • Active member every semester
  • Book Buddies 15 hours of service award
    <em>**- Historian on Interact Board (10th grade)
    *</em><em>- Community Service Coordinator on Interact Board (11th grade)
    *</em><em>- Executive Assistant Representative on Interact District Board (11th grade)
    </em>- RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Counselor (11th grade)</p>

<p>Other service: Key Club (9th grade 20 hours 1st semester), Red Cross Club (9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade)</p>

<p>Volunteering for various organizations such as Heal the Bay, PV Land Conservancy, city’s Cultural Arts Foundation
400+ hours of service</p>

<p>Intended Major: Nutrition
State (if domestic applicant):CA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Sri Lankan
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: <$85,000</p>

<p>Essays: One about hair donation and how I was moved to donate after finding out at Relay for Life that my favorite teacher’s husband had cancer and another about how me and the people around me struggling with food influenced me to want to go into nutritional science and start taking care of myself through healthier means and how I’m into all that non-GMO and gluten-free and active stuff now :)</p>

<p>Class rank: 64/533 I think</p>

<p>Your GPA is awful and your SAT score is only average. Your extracurriculars are okay, but no sports. However, nutrition should be an easy major to be accepted into, and it may significantly improve your otherwise dismal chances.</p>

<p>You are on the right track with your EC’s and GPA. Need to bump up your SAT to around 2000+ to be have good chance. Good Luck and keep up the good work. At the end of your Junior year, calculate your UC GPA and aim for a 4.0+ (capped weighted). See calculation: <a href=“GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would not write an essay based on avoiding GMO foods and gluten. Most of my nutrition major friends with biological or clinical focuses intern or collaborate with PIs focusing on pesticide development, GMO development, and more. The UCD department of nutrition just published a giant study saying GMO animal feeds are safe and nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO feeds. They also put out a fact sheet (<a href=“”>;/a&gt;) saying gluten-free diets (without supporting illness) aren’t useful. I’m not arguing with your beliefs, just saying you don’t want to alienate any essay readers.</p>

Sorry I should’ve clarified! It’s about how I got into nutrition. I just briefly mention gluten-free cookies and non-GMO produce and how it all brings me great joy and comfort in my introduction as I describe a neighborhood Farmers Market