Chance me for UCs computer science

Schools: UC Berkeley UCLA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara

UC GPAs: 3.9 unweighted, 4.42 capped

ACT:35(36M, 35S, 35E, 34R), took once

SAT Subjects: 800 Math II, 800 Physics, 770 Biology M

AP scores: Euro-5, Calc BC-5, physics M-5, physics E-5, biology-5, US history-5, Stats-5, Macro-5, Micro-5

Senior Courses: AP Computer Science, AP Environmental, AP Chemistry

Math Team(11-12)
Research Intern(12)
Cross Country(9-12)(Captain Varisty)
Hospital volunteer(9-12)
Chinese school volunteer(10-12)

Awards: AIME qualifier, National Merit Finalist

Personal: Asian Male OOS

You look competitive for all the UC’s and if you can afford $65K/year to attend, I am sure you will have several options in the Spring.

Still consider UCLA and UCB Reach schools due their low acceptance rate for CS.

Best of luck.