Chance me for UC's please! One low grade accepted?

Okay, I’m going to try to make it easy for those who may want to post a reply to answer so here are my stats:
*also note that my school has a weird course for us but it follows all the a-g requirements and more
Sophomore year - 4.0 gpa ~ all a’s
Classes taken:
Humanities (English and history)
College art class (requirement for elective)
(This was for both semesters)
*this is the year that has been rocky which is what this thread is mostly for
Sem 1
Math: A
Honors history: C
Honors English: B
Honors biochemistry: A
Spanish: A
Sem 2
Math: A
Honors history: A
Honors English: A
Honors biochemistry: A
Spanish: B
Senior (current):
Calc BC
AP Gov
AP Lang
Honors Physics
In addition, I took a college class in junior year and earned an A. I heard it counts towards honors in the GPA.
Current SAT score: 1180 (I am taking it again and didn’t study last time but plan on studying to get at least a 1300)
JV Cross country sophomore to senior
Math Club VP four year
Music Club Treasurer - current first year
Also interned at a children’s museum for the summer and a scientific research and development company for another.
Yes, I have looked up the GPAs for all the UC’s but I’m hoping to get a bit more of personal advice based on my info than just general stats.
I want to major in STEM and am an Asian female if that helps.
My top choices are UCR UCSD UC Merced and UCI but the other UC’s are great choices too.
I’m only really concerned about the one C I had junior year, how will it affect my chances?
Be honest, what are my chances of getting into these schools and how good are those chances?

Are you a CA resident? Unless your “Honors” courses are UC approved, many may not give you the extra weighting in the UC GPA calculation.

You can look up your California HS (if a resident) here to see which courses are UC approved:

Then calculate your UC GPA and post the uW GPA, Capped Weighted UC GPA and Fully Weighted UC GPA:

Much will depend upon your UC GPA and your test scores. I would say the UCM and UCR are good targets now based on your stats. UCSD and UCI will be tough unless you can get your test scores are in the 1400+ range.

The one C will NOT be an automatic rejection but it does not help your chances with the competitive UC’s.

Your unweighted GPA is around 3.8 and your UC capped weighted probably is around 3.9-4.00-ish depending on which of your courses are counted as actual honors designated courses. The main issue won’t be with the C grade, but with your SAT - you probably want to get it up another 200 points, maybe more, to have a really good shot at UCI and UCSD.

More statistical Info:
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 (capped weighted) and not major specific. STEM majors usually have lower admit rates.

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT: Aim for the 50th percentile or higher for the best chances.
UCB: 1360-1540

UCLA: 1340-1540
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1270-1500
UCD: 1220-1480
UCI: 1230-1490
UCSC: 1210-1450
UCR: 1130-1380
UCM: 1020-1280

as others capture above, one grade wont doom you but, it does have an impact on your GPA which could rule you out. If your UCGPA is 3.9 and SAT sticks at 1180, i think you will have trouble with any UC other than Merced. Raisnig the SAT to 1300 may open up Riverside but, the rest will be an uphill climb.

Also of note, race plays no role in UC admissions.

SDSU, CP Pomona and CSULB all have solid STEM programs, are a lot cheaper and would be happy to have you with your current stats… something to think about.

Good luck

Thanks for all the replies

I calculated my UC gpa and it is a 3.79 unweighted and weighted is a 4.16 because of the honors and college class that I took. I spoke with my counselers and those do count towards honors. Taking the SAT one last time to hopefully get at least a hundred point increase.

I calculated my UC gpa and it is a 3.79 unweighted and weighted is a 4.16 because of the honors and college class that I took. I spoke with my counselers and those do count towards honors. Taking the SAT one last time to hopefully get at least a hundred point increase.

Your UC GPA is on target for most of the UC’s but your SAT score is still an issue. Even a 100 point increase will still put your SAT score on the low end for the majority of the UC’s. Since you state you want to major in STEM, your stats need to be close to the averages or above for the best chances.

Right now your target schools are UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz. Apply to all schools of interest and see where you stand after the SAT test retake. Make sure you select a couple of safety schools so you will have some options in the Spring.