Hello! UNC is a dream that keeps getting better the more and more I communicate with the university/research more about UNC. I’m still a junior, so these are my current stats! BUT, this will more or less be the stats I’m applying with, as I will be applying in August for early Action. (AHHH!) Chance me?
Race - White
Gender- Female
State - Florida! (I am OOS for UNC
UW - 3.93
W - 4.5
(These should go up before I apply, because I will be taking college courses this summer)
Class Rank: 9/427 (this should go up though, hopefully)
I am a part of the Dual Enrollment program in my county, where I take classes at a local state college in conjunction with my classes at the high school. I currently am taking about 12 credit hours a semester, and will take 8 this summer. Additionally, the one class I take at the high school is a college-level math. When I graduate next year I will have my full AA degree (woo!), as well as additional AP credits.
Test Scores:
ACT: 30 (I just got my results from the first time I took it, but I’m retaking in June in hopes of getting a higher cumulative)
SAT: 1310 (but I won’t submit this one, just the ACT since it’s the highest.)
AP Credits:
- Human Geography - 4
-AP AB. Calc - taking Sr. year - AP Stat. - taking Sr. year
- Equality Club: Treasurer (2 yrs), Co- President (next year, 1 yr.)
- I have spearheaded multiple fundraisers for this club and work closely with the sponsor and other officers.
- National Honor Society (2 yrs), member
- I work with the NHS to get the necessary "points" every year to stay in the organization. With this I do a lot of volunteering and other community beneficiary activities.
-Mu Alpha Theta (Vice Pres. 1 yr, hopefully Pres. next year.) (2 yrs total)
- 8th in the county this year for pre-calculus at a math invitational, working to establish a multi-county wide math competition, and am helping finance, generate fundraising, and helping to plan and run the annual Pi Day celebration at my school.
- College Creative Writing Club (will be 2 yrs. President)
- Run by my comp. professor, this is at the local state college I attend.
-Currently working on an outreach program to provide essay tutoring to local Title 4 school kids
-Apart from my volunteering through NHS and my other clubs, I also volunteer on my own at a local middle school’s library.
- I currently have almost 200 volunteer hours
-Job: Ritas’s Italian Ice (3 yrs. next year)
- During the summers I work a 40-hr work week, as well as working 10-15 hrs a week during school weeks. (This is the reason I can’t do more EC’s, since I have to work because I need the money.)
Awards/Leadership Roles:
- Vice Pres. of Mu Alpha Theta
-Treasure of Equality Club (and will be co-pres.) - Awards through my job from corporate
- I also did a LOT in the arts community my two first HS years, including stage managing and tech managing a play that went to the state competition as one of the best in Florida.
- Starred in a production of “This Property is Condemned” by Tennessee Williams in Soph. year
-Freshmen in a senior classical guitar performance ensemble my fresh. year - drama for fresh. and soph. year
-Chorus my sophomore year, part of 2 choirs that earned straight superiors at MPA, and sang at Disney with my choir for a Christmas celebration. (With Neil Patrick Harris! :D) - years of summer musicals throughout my underclassmen years
-Was accepted in Ashland Academy, a history and polisci. summer program run by Ashland University. I can earn 2 polisci creds from this, and think I may attend this summer based on finances.
Thank you so much for reading!!
My biggest worry is being OOS, so I’d love to hear what you have to say!