Chance me for UNC Chapel Hill

I am currently a senior </p>

<p>GPA: 4.28</p>

<p>ACT: 30 (taking it again October 26)</p>

<p>SAT: 1940 (take it again October 5)</p>

<p>rank: top 25%</p>

<p>Extracurricular: NJROTC, Orienteering Team, PT team, XC (not senior year), French Club</p>

<p>Leadership: Administration Chief (NJROTC), Company Commander (NJROTC), Executive Officer (NJROTC), Physical Training Team Captain (NJROTC), attended Leadership Academy
twice: once as an attending cadet, another time as a cadre training other cadets (NJROTC)</p>

<p>Awards: Cadet of the Month, Cadet of the Year, Daughters of the Revolution NJROTC Award, 4th place out of 175 cadets at Leadership Academy</p>

<p>Community Service: Attended Leadership Academy as a cadre, volunteer at a hospital once a week</p>

<p>Other: Hosted French students for three summers, went to France for 3 weeks in 8th grade as an exchange, and the summer before 12th grade as an exchange, Explorers Post Health services</p>

<p>What are my chance of UNC Chapel Hill, Davidson, Colorado College? (reach)</p>

<p>Davidson: Reach
CO College: High match
UNC-CH: Match (in-state)/Reach (OOS)</p>