Chance me for undecided? Psych? Neuro?

Tech is my number 1 choice for in state and I go to a good private school in northern virginia with very rigourus academics
My SATs are a bit on the low side
Math:550 CR:630 Writing: 620 giving me a 1180/1600
When I checked the mid 50% range for says was 1170-12?? So I think it’s ok but I’m retaking it
My GPA is a 3.73 which is a bit low however I’ve taken almost exclusively all honors and AP classes including AP lang, lit, environmental science, and psych
My top choice would be Neuroscience but I’m not sure if is be accepted to their school of science so my second choice would be psych(I got a 5 on the AP psych exam I think that would help?) and then if I still wanted it I could try to switch my major while I’m there
Or should I apply as undecided, would that increase my chances of getting in and transferring to neuro? Or should I just apply to Psych??