Chance me for University of Miami

I applied EA
GPA:4.8 weighted
SAT:1230 (I know, kinda bad)
Top 10 percent

AICE is the British version of AP that is offered at my schooled(weighed the same as AP)
Classes: All AICE(passed all exams)- Math, International, English, Marine Science, Thinking Skills, General Paper, Global Perspectives
AP classes: Calculus AB, Physics 1, English, Literature, Research, Capstone, US.History.

Extracurricular: President of speech and debate: 7th in the nation NDSA in Duo Interpretation(2016)
Vice president of the national forensics league honor society
Section leader of saxophones in jazz band(Have won multiple superiors in solo competitions)
Math Honor Society(member)
National Honor Society(member)
Habitat for humanity, I spent a week working on various homes.
Youth court(teen mock trial, attorney)
National science honor society(member)
Varsity Track and Field

Work: Lifeguard, swim instructor, delivery person, and firehouse subs employee
Thank you!