Chance me for university of toronto pleaseee

Hi so can you please chance me

I’m an international student with the following predicted grades:
Math AA HL: 7
Physics HL:7
Business HL:7
Arabic B HL:6
Chem SL:7
English A SL:6


I tend to study Electrical Engineering BTW.

@bouders ??

@gaming Sorry, just saw your taga now. It’s really hard to see tags these days. You’ve got a great shot. The video and written supplements will be very important.

Grades/marks aren’t the only thing looked at during the admission process at UofT, especially for engineering. Your extracurricular activities also mean a lot in the admission process. Also keep in mind that the interview at the end of the engineering portal is also very important.

Unless you mess up in your real exams, these grades should secure you a place