Chance me for University Wisconsin Madison :D

International applicant doing the full IB diploma program applying to the University of Wisconsin Madison Computer Science Major. Here are my IB subjects with anticipated scores

HL Math - 6
HL Physics - 6
HL Computer Science - 6
SL English Lang and Lit - 6
SL Business - 6
SL Language AB Initio - 7

  • 2 points for EE so my total anticipated IB score is 39 points. Weighted GPA is 3.90 on a 4.00 scale. I did the new SAT with a score of 1400/1600. Several service and IT related extracurriculars. I applied to UW Madison Early Action via CommonApp.

What are my chances?
Thanks :smiley:

@AbhiKap55 “eh”.

Your SAT converts to about a 30 ACT which seems ok but needs to be viewed in the context of other factors. What is your uw GPA? It would be a good idea to calculate that simply because all the colleges you will be applying to will be doing the same.

International students face a more selective process than do other non-WI tuition residencies, and selectivity may well increase now that UW-Madison is on the CommonAp. Check out the admission history through fall 2016 (third page):

The goal should be to shoot for as competitive an application as possible (including LOR and essays) and have a few back-ups just in case.

Good luck!

@AbhiKap55 I have sort of the same case. I’m an IB international applicant my predicted is 43 With same the same subjects just that I have Hindi B SL and English A Lit. My SAT is 1380/1600 and Subject SAT is 790/800 Math level 2 and 740/800 Physics

remember that your UNWEIGHTED gpa is used.