Chance me for Upenn, Columbia, Barnard, etc (Ill chance back!)

<p>Hey, thanks for chancing me too :slight_smile: I agree with what the other people said. You have good EC’s but they’re not outstanding so it will be a reach for UPenn, but the legacy @ Columbia definitely helps. I think you’ll be a match for NYU and safely at Berkeley. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! Does anyone have suggestions for other schools I should consider? I’m open to reaches/matches/safeties—I’d be really interested in city schools that offer great internship opportunities and smaller classes (especially in the Egish department)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Penn - low reach, high match ED
Columbia - reach, high match ED
Barnard - not sure
Tulane - match
NYU - match
UWash - safety
UCB - match</p>

<li>UPenn: reach</li>
<li>Columbia: reach</li>
<li>Barnard: low reach</li>
<li>Tulane: match</li>
<li>NYU: match</li>
<li>U-Wash: match/safety</li>
<li>UC Berkeley: high match</li>

<p>Bump— can I get some safety suggestions?</p>

<p>I agree with most everyone about the chances at these schools. Everything is great! I think what makes your app stand out is moving to and from Sydney. It should be a nice break for the college admissions officers.</p>

<p>Make sure you COMPARE your experiences abroad to your experiences in America. Don’t just talk about them, COMPARE them, and highlight your background. Schools like these loved that stuff.</p>

<p>As to your chances, Penn and Columbia are reaches for just about everybody, however, your GPA and SATs are very good. NYU and Tulane are target schools but you have a bit of an advantage compared to the average student.</p>

<p>I would NOT consider UW a safety as a few others did only because you live out-of-state, and we all know what that means. UC Berkeley is somewhere between a target and a reach, and the only reason I don’t call it a reach is because surprisingly, its OOS acceptance rate is higher than its IS one. Continue to pursue your passions!</p>

<p>Chance back if you have time. Best of luck:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you have a solid chance at Penn. Don’t think that many students know about or will express a strong interest in kelly writer’s house</p>

<p>Your GPA is high and test scores are strong. Being a legacy at Columbia will help a lot should you apply there, particularly ED. I like how your varied ECs are. Having a breadth of interests is a real plus. However, I think that while you are a very competitive applicant, Columbia and Penn are still low reaches. Still, applying ED might make you a match.</p>

<p>I think you should apply Columbia ED, it would be a low reach. UPenn would be a medium reach and the rest are targets and safeties. Essays are crucial so work on those. Good luck! Chance? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;