Chance me for USC?

<p>Ive overcome a lot of hardship, I come from a single parent household and my mother has MS. I'm also URM (AA). I'm going to write about having to take care of my cousin's 4 young children when she lost custody my sophomore year in the personal statement, so hopefully the dip in performance won't look as bad.</p>

<p>Freshman year: 3.4
Algebra: b
World History(year 1): b

<p>Sophomore Year : 2.4
Chemistry: f (I didn't have enough lab credits to sit for the exam.)
French 2: c
Geometry: b
AP World History(year2):b
AP English: a</p>

<p>Junior Year: 3.8
Chemistry: b
French 3: a
Algebra 2/Trigonometry: a
AP US History: a
IB English(year1):a</p>

<p>UW 3.2 </p>

<p>Senior Year Courseload:
AP Calculus
AP Statistics
IB English
Economics/Government(half a credit of each).</p>

<p>I've been volunteering with the black leadership commission on aids since freshman year.
3 Years of Rugby/Chess
I was chess captain every year.</p>

<p>New York State Regents Grades:
100 on US history
95 on World History
94 On English
93 On Chemistry
93 On French Level 3
90 On Algebra 2/ Trigonometry</p>

<p>There are more I can't remember.</p>

<p>AP Grades
5 on AP US
2 on AP English
1 on AP World</p>

<p>730 M/720W/700 Reading 2150 Composite</p>

<p>Straight A's on my first senior year report card.</p>