Chance me for UW Madison please!!!!!

<p>Chance me!!!! I submitted my application and I'm super nervous....</p>

<p>I've taken advanced classes my whole high school career and I will graduate with a total of 4 AP classes (Chem, Lit, Spanish, Stats)</p>

<p>ACT- 29
GPA- 3.64W probs like 3.55UW
Class Rank- 86/316 (Top 28%)
EC- (weakest point besides GPA)
- Marching band
- Global Cultures (12th grade only)</p>

<p>Job- Cashier at a Grocery store for 2 years
Essays- good but not great
Recommendation- generic </p>

<p>Pretty much the only thing I have going for me is my ACT so I have a feeling I will be a borderline student.. Wait list maybe?</p>

<p>Your job is equivalent to an EC. See what happens.</p>

i was deferred