Chance me for Vanderbilt, Duke, Washington University at St. Louis, Ivy Leagues???

<p>We get 3 points added on to our final grades if it’s an Honors class and 5 if it’s an AP class. For example, if your points total/points possible is a 1900/2000, or a 95%, in an Honors class, then your grade in the class would be a 95+3 = 98%. Weighted GPA is the usual: 4.5 for Honors, 5.0 for AP</p>

<p>I got a 29 on the ACT and had a 3.68 UW GPA and I got into Vanderbilt.</p>

<p>Just saying it’s not all about test scores and grades.</p>

<p>I also live in TN, but applying for Vanderbilt and living in TN kind of puts you at a disadvantage because they want kids from all over the country as well as internationally.</p>

<p>I agree with JC40. You are certainly well qualified, but none of the schools you mentioned are a sure thing. My son has similar stats and was waitlisted at Vandy. His friend, a valedictorian, full IB, 2300 SAT was also waitlisted there. He will be attending Princeton. The point is, the process can be very random. Do not consider Wash U, Vandy, or Duke safeties. Definitely apply to those as well as Ivies, but include some good match and safeties where you would be happy should the others not work out.</p>

<p>@ boomie: I’ve heard that schools sometimes WL the some of the best applicants(maybe that’s what happened to your son’s friend?) because they know that they’ll probably get accepted into somewhere better and accept the qualified applicants with slightly worse credentials, because they’re the ones who will probably actually attend. </p>

<p>I’ve never considered Vandy, Duke, or Wash U safeties… on the contrary, I’m wondering if I actually have a chance. Thanks for your input! =)</p>