Currently a senior-- Asian/White Female from NoVa
Applying for NanoScience at VT (college of science, NOT engineering.)
WGpa- 3.91(Yes it’s low, but it’s an upward trend if that helps.)
Class Rank- 104/322 (I know it is really, really bad. )
Sat: 1320 – 650 Math, 670 RW
5 AP’s – AP Economics(Micro/Macro), AP Lang, AP Chemistry, AP Physics C: Mechanics, AP Calc AB
6 H-- I took honors for every course that I could
Class rigor–good-- Junior year I took Honors Chemistry and Physics 1 concurrently, this year I am taking AP Chem and AP Physics C concurrently
Also, I took Alg 2 over the summer of my sophomore year to get ahead. Overall- really really good upward trend and obvious growth
All A’s and B’s in entire high school career. I went from mostly B’s freshman year, to all A’s and 1 B sophomore year, all A’s junior year except 2 B’s in AP classes(Lang and Econ) and senior year I have all A’s for first quarter
Math and Science grades-
Honors Earth Science- B
Alg 1- B+
Honors Biology- A-
Geometry- A
Alg 2 online class- A- (i forgot to turn in an assignment lol )
Precalc- A+
Honors chemistry- A
Physics 1- A+
Currenty have all A’s (Current stem classes are: AP chem, Ap physics C, Ap calc AB)
Math honor society 11th, 12th
Science honor society 11th, 12th (Involved in a leadership role)
Robotics club 12th
Classical guitar 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
(mostly perform with school ensemble, but am in the highest level which required auditions.)
CLBL(basketball house league) 9th,10th grade
2 jobs – 11th, 12th grade. Both sales associate types.
Tutor 11th, 12th (through math and science honor societies)
Enter the College of Science to see the 2018 admission results. This is the best guide to understand where you fall in the big scheme of things but keep in mind it is only a guide and every year people in the 75% range are denied and people in the 25% accepted. I recommend making your essays standout. Lastly, given VT has moved to the common app this year, it is unknown how this will affect decisions. So, apply to VT and other schools you would be happy attending. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but wish you the best.
Virginia Tech has moved to the Common App? We thought it was the Coalition App. I ask because it is the only school on our list requiring the Coalition App and a filling it out only for them.
I will second what @bboop42 said. Every year kids who seemingly fit the bill get denied and kids in the 25th percentile are accepted. If you put your mind to it, you will succeed not matter what college you attend. You say 3.91 weighted GPA and rank of 104/322 are “low” and “bad”. I am here to tell you that some of the most successful people that graduated from my high school class had MUCH lower stats than you (I’m stressing MUCH). But they had entrepreneurial spirit and weren’t afraid to fail. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your GPA is great and your class rank is the top 3rd of students. You work, play classical guitar, etc… You have more to show for yourself than just numbers.