Chance me for VT please

<p>I am a junior in HS in Fairfax County. </p>

<p>-GPA: 3.6-3.7 by the end of this year.
-SAT: 740 Math, 730 Reading, 620 Writing. (1470/1600, 2090 total)
-PSAT: 205</p>

<p>-Schedule this year:
-Spanish II
-Music Theory
-Physics HN
-AP History
-AP English
-Business Law and Management
-PreCalc HN</p>

<p>-Schedule Next Year:
-Spanish III
-AP Music Theory
-AP Physics B
-AP Government
-AP English
-AP Calculus AB</p>

<p>-Sports: Crew Team since Sophomore year, captain next (senior) year.
-Work:I have had a job teaching skateboarding camps since i was 13 and stopped last year so i could start an internship at my dad's business last summer. Will continue the internship this summer.
-Clubs: Member of a charity club this year; provides food for children in impoverished countries.
-I have 4 little brothers (responsibility and leadership?)
-played guitar since 7th grade, although only in school for two years.
-I plan on majoring in business of some sort.</p>

<p>Also, what do you all think of the business program at Virginia Tech? What other schools should I consider? I was drawn to Virginia Tech because it is in state, and i have heard great things about the outdoors activities available in Blacksburg (im really into mountainbiking/fishing/hiking/etc)</p>

<p>I don’t know enough about the business program to say anything other than it’s supposed to be good! I do know that NoVa students are expected to have higher than average numbers than the rest of instate. I would say your SAT and your schedule look good. Being numbers driven as VT is, the GPA could be of concern if it is weighted - which isn’t helpful at all for me to say, sorry. I know the school year is over, and what’s done is done. Overall, you look like an ideal candidate for VT.</p>

<p>^That isnt a weighted GPA. Weighted it will be a bit higher, depending on if Fairfax county decides to retroactively weight honors classes.
And another question- how much does being captain of the crew team help me? Is it just icing on the cake, or is it more significant than that?</p>

<p>Icing, but good icing! Remember that VT is numbers driven, meaning that extracurriculars are not as important to them. Don’t get me wrong, ECs are always good, especially when they show your interest in a particular area (leadership, entrepreneurship, research, etc), but you will get noticed first with your numbers. Being captain of a team shows leadership potential, always a good thing for any school to see.</p>

<p>If you haven’t visited the campus, I highly recommend doing so. Sometimes just the feel of the campus, students, and staff is enough to help make up your mind. It worked for my two boys. I don’t know what other schools you are considering at this point, but instate tuition is such a bargain. You are lucky to have VT as an option in that regard. I wish I could be of better help to you.</p>

<p>^Thanks for the responses. I am only considering in state schools at this point. I plan on visiting the campus in the fall, but feel that its gonna be a pretty good fit.</p>

<p>dude you are fine for VT, they will probably give you a decent scholarship too. VT’s business program is growing and starting to get a lot of recognition. good luck</p>

<p>^Thanks for the response. How do I go about applying for a scholarship at VT? And what do you consider a “decent scholarship”?</p>

<p>there is a general scholarship application. go to and search scholarship in the box at the top. i got 5000/yr for academics and a 4800/yr for the Presidential campus enrichment grant, its a diversity scholarship. So 9800/yr, plus a lot of loans and a grant, and my stats were about the same as yours.</p>

<p>esmitty… do they renew that each year or was it just for your first year?</p>

<p>You get an email every spring (early spring, I think) reminding you to apply for scholarships with a link provided. Some scholarships are renewed if your gpa is at the required level, but I think you do have to re-apply for most. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong. Email notification of awards usually come in June.</p>

<p>bump… i got my official grades/gpa. I have a 3.59 unweighted and a 3.67 weighted (1 point for AP, nothing for honors) does this change anything?</p>

<p>Don’t worry. You have a very good chance.</p>

<p>so they made .5 weighting for honors retroactive. my “official” weighted GPA is 3.89</p>

<p>You are still in great shape, Ibanezplayer. Enjoy your summer!</p>