<p>I'm a senior next year and I want to major in Education (not as in teacher but as in education philosophy and such) or Biology since I want to do something in genetics and evolution studies. It's also important to me that I continue learning Chinese and piano</p>
<p>'m going to be applying to Wellesly College, Deep Springs College, Rice University, Vanderbilt, and University of Chicago with Wellesley/Deep Springs being my Dream U.</p>
<p>GPA: 4.1</p>
<p>Senior Classes:
AP Literature
AP Biology
AP European History
AP Mandarin (I switched over from Spanish since Junior Year. I'm Asian but only my parents understand my chinese, it's awful)
AP Calc AB
Independent Study (Educational Philosophy)
Military History
All of them are honors </p>
<p>Grades: I have all As now but i don't know how long that A- is going to last in Precalc.</p>
<p>School doesn't have rankings</p>
I'm on the executive board of my school's literary magazine (we submit it to national competitions and we got #1 last year)
I tutor, it only counts as volunteer hours
Piano classes with gold medals at local competitions</p>