I am an international student from Tunisia.
My family income is low(>2000$ per year). So I will need a huge amount of money.
My application will like this:
SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 1360(600E/760M, 6/5/6 essay) ‘‘a problem’’
SAT II (subject, score):710 Math2, 770 Physics
Unweighted GPA (out of 20): 17.6(National bac exam: top 99th percent of the country)
Rank (in school): top 2%(200 students)
School rank: top 5 nationally
Honors courses: Math, physics, and biology / no APs
Senior Year Course Load: Math, physics, biology, computer science, philosophy, English, French, Germany.
Awards :
-top 1% in National math competitions for the last 2 years, invited to participate in international math olympiad
-National Baccalaureate top in the country
-2 national exams to get to pioneer schools( prep school and high school) top 1% in my region
-Summer courses honors( 1st in a class of 30)
-Regional chess championship(9th and 10th grade)
-school spirit activities 10-11-12th grade
-honors on summer language courses (11th-12th grade)
-soccer competition(10th grade): semifinals
Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description):
*lab work (my lab is at home ^^): more than 1000 hours over the last 4 years: is this considered as an EC?
*math clubs(9-10-11-12th grade): leading member
*Elected president of prep high school lab (help students who want to initiate a research + raise awareness of the importance of physic through some school fairs: has an impact on over 200 students )
*volunteer group(12th grade): co-founder: help the hospitals of our region, clean streets, raise awareness about the health…/ started 3 members–>16 members.
*family responsibilities( was 15 years old when I had to take care of my young brother(11 years old) for 3 months)
*internships: department of water, pharmacy in a local health center, physico-chemico lab
Job/Work Experience: supervisor in a small factory (needed the money to buy new equipment for my lab, fired after 2 months XD )
Summer Experience:
*Language summer school(English, French, Germany)
*Math and Physics courses (on EDX)
*guide a group of Tourism
*volunteering(cleaning the city)
*video games
*will talk about my passions for physics through experiment to build the time machine ( crazy but this the reason I am applying to us colleges)
Gender: male
School Type: pioneer high school
first generation student
any advice ??
(I had lived in a dorm for 4 years since I was 12 years old because attending pioneer schools require so.
would like to live with others in the future
Shall include that in my application?)