Chance me for Yale


<p>[li] SAT I (breakdown): 2210 (760 M&Cr, 690 W) - I know, the writing score was a fail, but I'll retake the SAT again</p>[/li]
<p>[li] SAT II: Latin = 770, Math II = 770, and I will take either Bio M or E later in the year</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.21 unweighted (A- = 3.67, A+ = 4.33)</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesn't rank, but I'm in Cum Laude (within 10%)</p>[/li]
<p>[li] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP English Language and Writing (5)</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Senior Year Course Load: AP Latin, AP BC Calculus, AP English Language, Auditioned Jazz/Rock Band, AP Bio, AP US History</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Latin Awards (Silver and Golds), Cum Laude; various local, state, national debate trophies, various school awards</p>[/li]

<p>[li] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Auditioned Jazz/Rock Band (3 years); Rocket Club (Vice President); Astronomy club (2 years, founder/president), pit band in musicals (2); Auditioned, nationally recognized a cappella group (1); non-auditioned a cappella group (2); Varsity Science Olympiad (2); JV and Varsity debate (2); Advisory leader in community service (only offered 1 year); liaison to national charity in junior year</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Job/Work Experience: Howard Hughes Pre-college program = 7 weeks in top university biology lab, Mars Outreach Research Program (published in two major astronomical journals)</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Volunteer/Community service: raised about $20k for school in Nicaragua, WISER, Diversity, Stop Hunger Now Club, organized service project for the junior class</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Summer Activities (fresh, soph, jun): Debate camp, HH Precollege Program at Duke U, Mars research program</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Essays: VERY PERSONAL: wrote about illness and how it motivated me to get interested in science; wrote about experiences with Astronomy Club</p>[/li]

<p>[li] Applied for Financial Aid?: yes, will apply</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Intended major?: biology/chem</p>[/li]
<p>[li] State (if domestic applicant): VA</p>[/li]
<p>[li] School Type: independent</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Ethnicity: white</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Gender: M</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Income Bracket: 100k</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): leukemia patient from 8-14 years old, missed 2 1/2 grades of school, still at top of my class!</p>[/li]

<p>Wow…you’ll most likely get into one of the Ivies. Definitely play that debate stuff to your advantage, as I have noticed that a lot of kids with national debate awards get into really good schools lol And you have your astronomy interests, which is pretty unique. I’d say you really don’t need to retake the SAT, since that prep time could’ve been better spent on working on essays, which plays a more important role. Good luck! :)</p>

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