Chance Me/Give Me Advice

Also to add onto my resume, I’m getting featured on for my achievements at my age compared to how long I’ve been playing violin and I’m getting another article on for a concert I’m performing in where music critics are going to come and do stuff (or from what I understand).

Along with that I have 2 concerts that are getting streamed on Violinist Channel on YT and getting broadcasted on a local NPR station. Along with that theres like a 50/50 chance I’m getting to perform on Fox News, NBC, CBS, along with some other channels because I might be going to get into the final round (chances are high or I think so because I got a near perfect score…). And in the same competition if I score near a perfect again I’m going to be featured on Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube Music, and some other things (along with a CD deal).

How much would this help on my application? Will it just be eh because I already had other music achievements or would it be a good thing? (On my application I mentioned I was mentioned on a decent amount of time for my concerts in London, Lincoln Center, Carnegie etc.

So basically my main question is, my music ecs set? I understand theres nothing such as set, but idk. I guess I really want to go to these schools because my current school does not support anyone and just thinks about themselves.

Congratulations! While all of these music accolades will likely matter some, what will matter much more is how much the music directors like the video you submit, as well as the degree to which you intend to contribute to the school by sharing your ability. Think of it this way: if you submit a great movement of Symphonie Espagnole or Wieniawski II or similar and communicate a true intent to participate fully in the school’s music department, the music directors will likely put you at or near the top of their list of kids they would like admitted, which could carry a lot of weight. If, instead, you have all of these accolades but submit a competent but unmemorable Mozart II, III or IV or something similar, the music directors would like to have you but not put you at the top, which would help your chances less.


I don’t know if my concertos quite memorable since the concerto I’m mostly likely submitting is the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto (A bit behind on the repotoire right now, because I am supposed to be finishing all the Pags but because of a major competition + major events I’ve been working on the Mendelssohn for the past year. Although I finished all the Pag caprices except for 1 and 24.). And I’m submitting the Tellaman Viola Concerto…I have old recordings of me playing with orchestras in Lincoln Center (Vivaldi Autumn) and Vitali Chaconne but those are like maybe a year old?

Should I submit only Mendelssohn and Tellaman or should I submit like recordings of me playing with orchestras as a soloist + Vitali Chaconne.

Also disregard the 87 percentile, I was kinda being dumb didn’t rescore it and I got a 90 percentile when rescored since I am reclassing. So good news I guess. But I’m still going to take it again since I already registered. I’m going to try to shoot for a 95+

A good Mendelssohn would be great, along with Telemann Viola Concerto.

I don’t know if my Mendelssohn was the best since I was a little under the weather, but it was good enough. And my Tellaman I have no idea, since I don’t have a viola teacher or anything like that.

Thanks for the advice!

Don’t send the Telemann then.

Alright, I did send it to my violist friends at Juilliard and they say its good enough to audition to orchestras, should I submit it? Or should I submit a old viola audition video which got me into the top orchestra at The Boston Symphony Orchestra?

No way for me to know, but probably fine, as good violists are rare!

You have a strong application. Send in good representations of your ability and make sure all of your other ducks are in a row (hopefully you have already asked your teachers, etc. for recommendations), and I’m sure you have a strong chance. Good luck!

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Thank you so much for all the advice you have given me so far!

So hi again, I have another question.

For swimming I made Varsity Swimming Team A and I made the state cuts for Massachusetts. Do you think contacting the coaches at these schools will help at all? I’m not like the best best but for example my 100 breast time is a 1:06. Its not the greatest time but its a decent time especially since I quit competitive/club swimming and only trained by myself.

If you would like to swim at BS, reach out to the coach with recent times from meets. It could definitely help. Hopefully, being on a team will allow you consistent training and in turn nice improvement in times.

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Whats peoples opinions on first choice letters?

How much will AMC 8 DHR (Top 1% of all test takers from China, India, etc) and AMC 10 HR (Top 5% of all test takers from China, India, etc) cover for my 1st quarter math grade? I talked with a college counselor, a boarding school counselor, a former admissions officer at one of the schools, and some students from the schools and they all say AMC 8 DHR and AMC 10 HR would negate the bad grade from quarter 1 because theres less than 100-200ish kids in the US who got DHR for AMC 8 (or as far as I know since most of the DHR students were from China, India, etc) and I have no idea about the statistics about AMC 10 but I would think a decent chunk of students who got HR and DHR are from countries like China, India, etc.

I’m not sure if the people I talked to were trying to get my spirits up or something like that so whats your guys opinions? Theres also a chance I make USAJMO this year as a self studier (no outside classes for AMC and academics in general).