<p>bump my lovelies <3</p>
<p>@Mangiafuoco Just because you got rejected from all of those schools doesn’t mean he will… I can tell ur pretty bitter about how many schools u got rejected ok, but even though ur test scores are better, I bet it was your ECs/essay that took you down. Don’t be cocky and put other people down as a result… Colleges take a holistic view, and although scores are important, they’re not everything </p>
<p>@idiosyncraticboi Sorry, I’m actually in the process of applying to college right now, so I can’t. I understand your caution about plagiarizing, though. I am so paranoid about that. It would be awful if the only cause for a rejection was someone copying your essay. I couldn’t think of anything worse. Anyways, good luck!</p>
<p>@ScreenName1234 Hey, buddy, let’s not start online quarrels. The purpose of this thread is to give individuals your honest opinion on the schools they’re applying to.</p>
<p>@nuhsgrad That would be quite unfortunate.</p>
If it were just bad luck that I was rejected from all of these schools, perhaps, I would not have been so bitter about it. However, it was not bad luck. Parchment’s old scatterplots suggest that there are other people similar to me. (I probably should have used UC Irvine’s graph instead of UC Davis’s graph because OP is applying to UC Irvine. It should not matter too much because UC Davis’s graph is similar to UC Irvine’s graph.)</p>
<a href=“http://i58.■■■■■■■.com/2vvnuvk.png[/IMG]”>http://i58.■■■■■■■.com/2vvnuvk.png
<p>As a result, I cannot simply blame bad luck for my results. I can only blame myself for not being UCD or UCI material. I can only blame myself for not having higher stats. I can only tell myself that my situation is not unique, that there are others with similar stats to mine who also did not get in, and that I deserved to be rejected/waitlisted.</p>
<p>As you can clearly see, OP’s stats fall in the range of “reach” according to my estimated yellow lines on the graph.</p>
<p>@Mangiafuoco You’ve got to be joking me. I had 15+ examples of kids with sub-2k SAT scores, 3.7 UW GPA/4.0 W GPA (same weighed as mine, but less course rigor) that got into UCI, UCSD, and 3/15 got into UCB as well. There’s a reason average SAT scores and GPA’s exist. Believe it, or not, you were HORRIBLY unfortunate and I’m very sorry.</p>
It does not matter. I drew the yellow lines based on the concentration of red (rejected) dots versus blue (accepted) and green (attending) dots. Your stats still fall in the “reach” range, unless if you disagree with the way I drew the yellow lines.</p>
<p>If you disagree with my yellow lines, you can draw your own yellow lines on the graphs. Here are the links to some of the graphs of the UCs that you are applying to. College Confidential censors Imgur, so you will have to remove the “%” symbol from the links to access the graphs. The UC Davis graph in my earlier post uses ■■■■■■■ which is not censored.</p>
<p>Scatterplot settings: <a href=“http://i.imgur.%com/Pu5KNRE.png”>http://i.imgur.%com/Pu5KNRE.png</a>
UCB: <a href=“http://i.imgur.%com/Z1pyFCL.png”>http://i.imgur.%com/Z1pyFCL.png</a>
UCLA: <a href=“http://i.imgur.%com/ubKNZBY.png”>http://i.imgur.%com/ubKNZBY.png</a>
UCSD: <a href=“http://i.imgur.%com/7OnrTbG.png”>http://i.imgur.%com/7OnrTbG.png</a>
UCI: <a href=“http://i.imgur.%com/4wXVv7W.png”>http://i.imgur.%com/4wXVv7W.png</a></p>
<p>@Mangiafuoco I literally visited UC Davis last week. They said that a 2120 is 75th percentile, 2210 is 85th percentile, 34 90th percentile.</p>
<p>Furthermore, that graph doesn’t take course rigor into account. I’ve taken 13 AP courses which is considered competitive.</p>
<p>Also, GPA isn’t an apples to apples number like the SAT or ACT are. AdComs most likely weigh in the difficulty of the courses taken in relation to the grades earned. Also, every school can have varying difficulties of courses. Class ranks are a better representation of what a GPA means. If I’m in the top 6% for GPA and top 1% for test scores, then I don’t understand how a school that accepts top 5% of classes can be a “reach”. </p>