Chance me, History Major

<p>Hey Guys, please let me know if these are reasonable schools for me to apply to. I want to know if I would be applying in vain or not.</p>

<p>By the way, I am a Florida resident.</p>

<p>They are in order of most desirable! </p>

<p>1.) University of Wisconsin – Madison
2.) University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
3.) University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
4.) University of Texas – Austin
5.) University of Illinois – at Urbana Champaign
6.) Ohio State University
7.) Penn State University
8.) Indiana University – Bloomington
9.) University of Pittsburgh
10.) University of Washington – Seattle </p>

<p>Safety Schools:
11.) University of Kansas
12.) Michigan State University
13.) University of Florida</p>

<p>I have an overall cum GPA of 3.5 right now, my INST GPA is 3.8, and I am the president of the International Student Club at my Community College. I also volunteer, baby sitting a boy with autism.</p>

<p>Just to let you guys know, I am 22 years old, and I have the classic story of turning my life around. I dropped out of high school but then I got a GED, I had all F's my first semester, then I decided to make a change! </p>

<p>I plan on applying to these schools in September, for Fall 2013. I get my AA in Spring 2013. I am a History major, and have all A's in History. So I am applying for their History programs. </p>

<p>To show these schools that I am dedicated, I am taking 6 classes this summer (3 in summer A and 3 in summer B) and I got all A's in summer A! I start summer B on the 25th of June and I expect to get all A's that semester so my GPA will be a 3.6 when I start applying. </p>

<p>Which of these schools do I have a good chance to get into? Any suggestions? Any help would be great.</p>

<p>someone please let me know</p>