Chance me? How much of a difference does an upward trend make?

Freshman (1 advanced class out of a possible 2)

Sophomore (2 advanced classes out of a possible 3)

Junior (1 AP taken out of a possible 2, 1 honors taken out of a possible 2)

Senior (All AP’s [3] and honors [1] along with theology requirement) As rigorous of a load as possible.
3.91 predicted

My school only allows us to take to take a maximum of 6 AP classes in our junior and senior year.

Also, I’ve taken 2 college classes. Calculus at SF State and Political Science at UC Berkeley.

I have a massive amount of leadership, excellent ec’s, really good rec letters (one being from the SF assistant district attorney), and a lot of awards. I founded two companies that I’ve been heavily involved in, worked for over 5 months with the DA of SF, helped organize the National Black Prosecutor’s conference, and have amassed a large amount of community service hours which I’ve been nationally recognized for. I have a good amount of awards as well.

From 7th grade until the tail end of 10th I was dealing with abuse and racially motivated attacks by a group of students that both physically hurt me and harassed my grandparents. I did very poorly in school, as is noted by my earlier GPA.

Also, my school does not weight GPA.

How much of an impact will my upwards trend have in admissions?

I plan on applying to Tulane, Georgetown, Claremont McKenna, Pomona, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, University of Wisconsin Madison, Bucknell, Boston College, and Vassar.

My ACT is a 33.

Suggestions? Chances?