Chance me. I have cookies, and I'll chance back!

<p>So, I'd really appreciate it if you guys chanced me down here...I'm an applicant for the class of 2014, and I am posting under an alias because I had privacy issues posting a chance thread with my actual username. Hit me with a PM if you think you recognize who I am, please don't post it as a reply.</p>

<p>Anyway, here goes:</p>

<li>I'm an international student from India. I do not require financial aid.</li>

<p>THE NUMBERS (aka what everyone else has)</p>

<p>I'm topping my class right now, but we don't officially calculate a class rank. So my transcript is gonna say 'top 10%', but my recommendations will definitely say that I'm at the top of my class.</p>

<p>2380 in the SAT. 770 in Math Level 2 (taking bio and chem in May)</p>

<p>THE EXTRACURRICULARS (sadly, finding a cure for cancer isn't amongst these)</p>

<p>*State- and national-level tennis</p>

<li>national ranking of 300</li>
<li>state ranking of 10</li>
<li>Varsity tennis is non-existent out here. However, my school conducts an annual tennis tournament in which all the tennis players in my school (boys and girls) participate. I have won that tournament for the past 5 years. So...err...if there was a varsity tennis team, I would probably be captain. But that's conjencture...pardon my ramblings, please :)</li>

<p>*Varsity basketball, soccer and field hockey</p>

<li>captain of hockey team</li>
<li>vice captain of basketball team</li>

<p>*Summer research internship at a biotechnology lab at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras</p>

<p>*Environmental activism</p>

<li><p>one of five founding members of my school's 'Green Brigade' (a team of environmentally conscious students which strives to promote environmentalism and sustainability on campus)</p></li>
<li><p>joint leader of a team of 100 students which won the Chennai segment of an international coastal cleanup contest in 2007 by removing all the garbage from one half of a beach in the city; we received Rs. 10,000 as prize money (2000 students - from both schools and colleges - participated in all)</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 25 students from my school which participated in a voluntary coastal cleanup program organized by environmentalists within the city in 2008</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 8 students that won Rs. 500,000 in the 2007 'Green-I contest', a national-level contest which required schools to come up with innovative ideas to make their campus more eco-friendly. As winners of this contest, we were able to attend the 2007 edition of the International Green Building Congress being held at Chennai and present our ideas in front of all the experts attending the conference (41 schools from across the nation participated, and 11 were shortlisted for the final).</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 10 students that made a documentary on the a wetland on the outskirts of my city that is being utilized as a garbage dump for all the waste generated in the city. The documentary highlighted the numerous adverse effects this dumping has on the environment and the city as a whole, and steps that can be taken to improve the situation. We screened it in various schools across the city to raise awareness on this issue.</p></li>
<li><p>winner (from about 75 contestants) of a state-level quiz on 'Climate Change and its Impact on Society' conducted by IIT-Madras</p></li>

<p>*Model UN - one of the loves of my life. I have participated in 7 conferences since the 9th grade, and won 3 best delegate awards. Last year, I was one of the heads of the panel that organized my school's MUN which had about 250 delegates from across the country take part (I am also on the panel for this year's conference, which promises to be bigger and better). I also chaired a committee during this conference.</p>

<p>*Student government
- I am one of four students who were elected as house captains (student body leaders). This is a very prestigious position in my school, and we four captains practically run the various intra-school activities (organize the events, arrange for judges, participate in all the events). It helps that my house (a team of sorts) is on song to clinch this year's overall championship cup :).</p>

<p>Sooo....that's me. A very long description of me, sorry about that...I tend to enjoy writing, whatever be the form :). Now, for the colleges:</p>

<p>Brown (ED)
UMich (ER)

<p>Yes, very top-heavy, but I do have fallbacks closer home. I reckon that I have a pretty fair chance at UMich ER though, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance. If you'd like me to chance back, please leave a link to your thread and I'll do so gladly!</p>

<p>I WANT MY COOKIE!!! or just chance me back…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>wow your stats and stuff are pretty much perfect, theres nothing more you could have done</p>

<p>Brown (ED) high match
Dartmouth–high match
Stanford-high match/reach
UMich (ER)-match

<p>ohhh but slacking up there for no cure to cancer as of yet…any olympic medals or nobel peace prizes? hahaha dont worry you have enough extras. i think you’d be qualified for any college…goos luck!!</p>

<p>You’re set</p>

<p>just write an amazing personal statement</p>

<p>Chance ME!</p>

<p>I’m a current applicant to UCB and UCLA
My case is a strange one.</p>

<p>I graduated in 2008 with honors, class rank in top 10% (I believe 20 out of 400 students)
In a small high school in the San Bernardino mountains
Last year I was unable to go to college for money problems.
I received an invitation from a medical organization in BAJA MEXICO to join a group of Rural-medicine volunteers that go into the community to research and provide health care,
The program includes medical classes, tons of clinical activities and hands-on community service totaling over 500 hours of community service since August in 2008.</p>

<p>My High School stats are:
Top 10% in class, graduated with honors.
My high school had a total of 6 AP classes: my GPA is 3.8 weighted
SAT I 1590, SAT II 770 Spanish language, 610 Molecular Biology ACT 26 (Highest Science 29)
AP Tests English Language: 3, English Literaure: 3 and Spanish Language:5 (Note, I DID NOT TAKE THE AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND AP ENGLISH LITERATURE CLASSES)
Mexican-Immigrant student since 2002.</p>

Rotary Award
American Legion Medical Award
Local Medical Award
AP Scholar Award
International Thespian Society Award
Music Awards</p>

4 years in marching band (Bass-clarinet section leader) and Pep Band
4 years in concert band and wind ensemble (bass-clarinet section leader)
3 Years in Orchestra
3 Years in Theatre and Drama
4 Years in Field Show (Bass-clarinet section leader)
1 Year in Jazz Band</p>

1 year In Swimming
1 year in Football</p>

<p>Community Service:
-Over 500 hours in Rural Medicine
-Over 200 hours of Hospital Volunteer
-Over 400 hours of Spanish Tutoring
-30 Hours in Canned Food Drives
-50 hours in Music Tutoring to Elementary Students</p>

-Translator 8 hours a week
-Store Clerk 8 hours a week</p>

<p>I wrote 3 essays, asked for admissions by exception and received a supplemental questionnaire.</p>

<p>My essays were about:
1.) Personal Life Traveling In Mexico and the US. Aspiration in Hispanic cultures and Medicine with a great wish to unite American and Latino cultures.</p>

<p>2.) My medical program experience and how it’s shaped my life.
3.) The value of perseverance and living as an immigrant in the US as well as being able to pass 2 AP tests without any preparatory work.</p>

<p>Supplemental included (because I noted on the original application that I’m diagnosed with Anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder)
I got the medical condition one:
I answered 7 essays on topics like “How it affected me” “Describe briefly” “Did it have an adverse effect on EC’s?” “How do u learn a new subject”</p>

<p>I worked extensively on the responses and managed to keep all responses concrete and direct with proper resolutions, also they were edited by a friend who goes to UCB (and received a similar supplemental) and so I feel confident about them</p>

<p>My question to you guys is:
Based on this information do I have a shot to be admitted to UCLA?
I know academically my SAT has been a bit low but I know some people who have gotten into UCLA with lower scores.
Also I received a supplemental application for which I’ve emphasized my medical experiences.</p>

<p>What stands about me is my medical skills, I’m pretty knowledgeble in medicine and know basic manouvers since I’ve received all basic pre-med certifications while in Mexico.</p>

<p>What are my chances? I really want to go to UCB or UCLA, I just really want to go to college!</p>

<p>Wow thanks sammy! Lol, I know, should’ve found that damn cure ;)</p>

<p>haiku, I replied on your own thread.</p>

<p>Bump this one…</p>

<p>You are a highly competitive applicant, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d get into all these schools. </p>

<p>Brown (ED) - it’s an ivy, reach for everyone, but it is a reasonable reach
Yale - reach
Dartmouth - reach (same as Brown)
Amherst - slight reach
Middlebury - high match
Bowdoin - high match
Stanford - reach
Tufts - match
Pomona - match
Oberlin - match
Carleton - safety
WashU - match
UMich (ER) - match
URochester - safety</p>

<p>I think you have a very good list of schools and you’ll definitely end up in an excellent school :)</p>

<p>Please chance me back:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wow are you guys for real? Man…I’m just waiting for a harsh reality check of some sort now, lol. Thanks though! Flid, chancing you right back on your thread.</p>


<p>Wow, soooo many amzing ppl on cc…
Brown (ED)-I’d say in
Yale-Good chance, but these things are random
Stanford-Ditto, random for everyone
UMich (ER)-IN

<p>chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In almost everywhere. Dartmouth/ Brown/ Amherst should go your way but there’s a chance of rejection. Yale/ Stanford 50% shot.</p>

<p>While it’s harder to predict how internationals will do, I would agree that you have a good list and should get into a number of the schools on the list. I think some of the others are perhaps too optimistic in saying that you’re IN at specific Ivies, near-Ivies, and comparable LACs, because admissions are always unpredictable.</p>

<p>Thanks slipper and mistyblue.
And thank you Hunt, for keeping things real ;).</p>

<p>What can I do now over this year to maximize my chances, especially at Brown ED?</p>

<p>Keep on doing what you’re doing.</p>

<p>Wow, your stats are pretty great, but competition among internationals at top schools will always be high, and these schools were fairly unpredictable to begin with. However, I think that you stand a good shot at Brown ED. As for the Ivies, equivalents, and top LACs, they might lean your way, although there is a very real chance of rejection. Michigan and Rochester are safeties.</p>

<p>Chance back if you want to. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I will do the ones that I am knowledgeable about…</p>

<p>Brown (ED) - Match
Yale - Low Match
Dartmouth - Match
Amherst - Low Reach (For OOS, it is extremely hard for anyone)
Stanford - Reach
Tufts - Match
Pomona - Match
UMich (ER) - Match
URochester - High Match</p>

<p>CHANCE BACK! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wow, I’m impressed, and all of those colleges will be to. You are going to have some tough decisions come this spring on where to attend! </p>

<p>Your academics, test scores, and ec’s make you the “ideal” applicant to any school. I’d say great chances at everywhere, but note that Amherst is very hard for oos, as fp9 previously stated. Stanford may be tough, but I think you can get in. Other than that, I’d say your shots are amazing. GL on admission to all of these places!!!</p>

<p>If you have time, could u chance me, i would much appreciate any and all thoughts: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>chance back:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Brown (ED)-reach
Amherst-hgih match
WashUStl?-high match
UMich (ER)-match

<p>Thanks guys, keep 'em coming</p>