<p>I would really appreciate it if CC's treasure trove of knowledge contributed a bit to my chancing process (:D) for, as vossron pointed out to me, my fellow high schoolers aren't really the best chancers.</p>
<p>Anyway, here goes:</p>
<li>I'm an international student from India. I do not require financial aid.</li>
<p>THE NUMBERS (aka what everyone else has)</p>
<p>I'm topping my class right now, but we don't officially calculate a class rank. So my transcript is gonna say 'top 10%', but my recommendations will definitely say that I'm at the top of my class.</p>
<p>2380 in the SAT. 770 in Math Level 2 (taking bio and chem in May)</p>
<p>THE EXTRACURRICULARS (sadly, finding a cure for cancer isn't amongst these)</p>
<p>*State- and national-level tennis</p>
<li>national ranking of 300</li>
<li>state ranking of 10</li>
<li>Varsity tennis is non-existent out here. However, my school conducts an annual tennis tournament in which all the tennis players in my school (boys and girls) participate. I have won that tournament for the past 5 years. So...err...if there was a varsity tennis team, I would probably be captain. But that's conjencture...pardon my ramblings, please</li>
<p>*Varsity basketball, soccer and field hockey</p>
<li>captain of hockey team</li>
<li>vice captain of basketball team</li>
<p>*Summer research internship at a biotechnology lab at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras</p>
<p>*Environmental activism</p>
<li><p>one of five founding members of my school's 'Green Brigade' (a team of environmentally conscious students which strives to promote environmentalism and sustainability on campus)</p></li>
<li><p>joint leader of a team of 100 students which won the Chennai segment of an international coastal cleanup contest in 2007 by removing all the garbage from one half of a beach in the city; we received Rs. 10,000 as prize money (2000 students - from both schools and colleges - participated in all)</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 25 students from my school which participated in a voluntary coastal cleanup program organized by environmentalists within the city in 2008</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 8 students that won Rs. 500,000 in the 2007 'Green-I contest', a national-level contest which required schools to come up with innovative ideas to make their campus more eco-friendly. As winners of this contest, we were able to attend the 2007 edition of the International Green Building Congress being held at Chennai and present our ideas in front of all the experts attending the conference (41 schools from across the nation participated, and 11 were shortlisted for the final).</p></li>
<li><p>leader of a team of 10 students that made a documentary on the a wetland on the outskirts of my city that is being utilized as a garbage dump for all the waste generated in the city. The documentary highlighted the numerous adverse effects this dumping has on the environment and the city as a whole, and steps that can be taken to improve the situation. We screened it in various schools across the city to raise awareness on this issue.</p></li>
<li><p>winner (from about 75 contestants) of a state-level quiz on 'Climate Change and its Impact on Society' conducted by IIT-Madras</p></li>
<p>*Model UN - one of the loves of my life. I have participated in 7 conferences since the 9th grade, and won 3 best delegate awards. Last year, I was one of the heads of the panel that organized my school's MUN which had about 250 delegates from across the country take part (I am also on the panel for this year's conference, which promises to be bigger and better). I also chaired a committee during this conference.</p>
<p>*Student government
- I am one of four students who were elected as house captains (student body leaders). This is a very prestigious position in my school, and we four captains practically run the various intra-school activities (organize the events, arrange for judges, participate in all the events). It helps that my house (a team of sorts) is on song to clinch this year's overall championship cup .</p>
<p>Sooo....that's me. A very long description of me, sorry about that...I tend to enjoy writing, whatever be the form . Now, for the colleges:</p>
<p>Brown ED/Yale SCEA/Stanford SCEA
UMich (ER)
<p>Yes, very top-heavy, but I do have fallbacks closer home. I reckon that I have a pretty fair chance at UMich ER though, what do you all think?</p>