<p>Chance me for Smith (ED), Middlebury, Amherst, and Bowdoin?</p>
<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Income bracket: 100,000+
Will apply for Financial Aid: Yes
Hooks: First Gen.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.72/4.29 upward trend, with numerous honors courses and 4 AP courses
Class rank: Top 25% from a competitive public school in Florida</p>
<p>SAT: Expecting between 1950-2030.
AP Scores: European History (3), AP Literature and Composition (?), AP Psychology (?), AP Physics (canceling)</p>
<p>EC’s: National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Astronomy Club (President 2011-2012), Science Olympiads, a lot that has to do with music. Other than that, just a a few irrelevant activities like JV sports and miscellaneous clubs that I tried out but wasn’t very interested in. Oh and I have 75 volunteer hours at my local nursing home. I plan on applying for a position as a dog walker at the ASPCA, and for a job soon. </p>
<p>Awards: Award of Academic Excellence in Spanish, AP Scholar (hoping)</p>
<p>I can write an amazing essay and will have shining recommendations. </p>
<p>Also: My grandfather went to Brown, although he didn't graduate. Would I still be considered legacy?
And I might have some ties to Bowdoin, I think. </p>
<p>Your chances at the colleges you mentioned are all reaches to low reaches. Your AP classes and challenging course load look good, but your scores aren’t as impressive (Psychology isn’t considered a “prestigious” AP class). EC’s are relatively strong for the colleges you’re applying to and the volunteer work also is good (as long as it isn’t solely for a school requirement). SAT scores are average but being first generation will help out. </p>
<p>However, unless you have a lot of siblings I doubt that you’ll receive much financial aid at a school or a boost from your background unless they practice “need-blind admissions”. </p>
<p>Chance Me??? <a href=“http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1651346-help-rising-junior-chances-for-my-top-schools.html#latest”>http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1651346-help-rising-junior-chances-for-my-top-schools.html#latest</a></p>
<p>Prestigious? seriously? thanks anyway. </p>
<p>@mouseinablender3 I’m saying no one cares if you take AP Psych or not, it isn’t one of the AP classes that colleges will really take into account when they’re making decisions </p>
<p>However, it’s not because of any real reason, just because most colleges value AP’s in history or English more than they do in other subject areas, especially if you’re not going into a career field based on them</p>
<p>yeah I get it. It’s just that my school didn’t really offer any AP’s to freshman/sophomores, and like only 1 for Juniors (which I took), and then I switched schools my senior year and just took those 3 based on what my interests were at the time. at least now I know I don’t want to be a psychologist thanks to AP Psych. haha.
the 3 I got on AP Euro, I had a horrible, like really bad teacher. I had to teach the all the material to myself. I think I got a 4 on Psych and a 4-5 on English Lit but we’ll have to see. </p>
<p>but Smith is the one I really care about. do I stand a good chance for that school if I don’t send in my SAT’s? </p>
<p>oh and bump
<p>My best guess is that you’re in at Smith. Then again, that’s going solely off the people I know who got in, most of whom had fewer and less substantial EC’s, slightly lower test scores (though yours are unexpected) and similar GPA’s. They all applied RD. Good luck! </p>
<p>Yay! Thanks! Am I looking ok for Middlebury and the rest too? </p>
<p>Are you a rising senior now, or just completing your sophomore year? Have you received your actual SAT/ACT scores? Nobody can base a comment on “expected” score range any more than a college will base its decisions on an “expected” score. Your grades are competitive almost everywhere, but Amherst and Bowdoin are two of the most selective colleges in the country, and routinely reject students with higher stats. Middlebury and Smith are probably high matches/low reaches, assuming you do well on your tests. If you are still a sophomore, all of this is idle speculation. I usually refuse to comment on posts from underclassmen, because junior year is too critical and everything can change.</p>
<p>@woogzmama I’m a senior now, but I took a gap year so I’m applying this fall. I’ve taken the SAT twice and the expected score range isn’t too off base, plus I’ve taken a lotttt of (timed) practice tests in the blue book and get pretty consistent scores that match up with what I put in the original post. I’ll probably stick to Middlebury and Smith. Thanks! </p>