chance me Ill chance you back

<p>Can you chance me for some of my schools.
I have a 4.0/4.0 and I have 27.0 credits if that makes a diffrence
sats 1630 630/480/520
I have 2 great recommendation letters
I have good extracuriculars and a lot of work expierence in my majors field business
my universitys are </p>

<p>university of texas at austin
university of minnesota twin cities
texas a&m college station
purdue university west lafayette
university of miami
miami university
villanova university
penn state university park
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here
clemson university
rutgers at new brunswick </p>

<p>if you need any other info please ask and I will chance back</p>

<p>id say you are a high match to villanova.</p>

<p>idk the rest, sorry dude.</p>

<p>also…its too :wink: and my safety is fordham and northeastern, ■■■■■</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - low reach
university of minnesota twin cities - match
texas a&m college station - in
purdue university west lafayette - mid reach
university of miami - in
miami university - match
villanova university - high match
penn state university park - mid reach
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here - no clue
clemson university - high match - in
rutgers at new brunswick - no clue</p>

<p>Best of Luck!!!</p>

<p>not familiar with most of the college ur applying to but ill say with purdue it should be a low reach.</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - low reach
university of minnesota twin cities - high match
texas a&m college station - in
purdue university west lafayette - high match
university of miami - match
miami university - match
villanova university - high match
penn state university park - mid reach
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here - in/low match
clemson university - high match
rutgers at new brunswick - idk enough</p>

<p>That’s the best I can do, sorry! Not really familiar with these schools.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>university of texas at austin - reach
villanova university - reach
penn state university park - match</p>

<p>it’s mostly the sats that are gonna kill you here</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - mid reach
university of minnesota twin cities - in
texas a&m college station - in
purdue university west lafayette - high match
university of miami - match
miami university - match
villanova university - match
penn state university park - mid reach
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here - not sure
clemson university - high match
rutgers at new brunswick - not sure</p>

<p>The SATs will hurt you, you should try them again.</p>

<p>you should get in to every one, maybe except for Texas at austin.</p>

<p>university of texas at austin-reach
university of minnesota twin cities-match
texas a&m college station-high match
purdue university west lafayette- match
university of miami-reach
miami university-reach
villanova university- match
penn state university park- mid reach
university of washington seattle -don’t know how legacy plays a role at this college
clemson university-match
rutgers at new brunswick -high match</p>

<p>I’d say all are matches but UT and Penn State. Your SAT scores are what’s weighing you down!</p>

<p>If you get your SAT scores up, I think you could have a shot at UT. Definitely try to get each section to over 650 or so. The average for out-of-state students is about 1930/2400. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>For your case i would say if you can increase your SAT by 70 more point and make it 1700 it will give you a lot more push to some of those school</p>

<p>With your test scores I’d say most are high matchish, but if you get your test score up I’d say you’ll have a good shot at most of them. If you can get to 2100 I’d say you get into more than half. Could you elaborate on ECs and leadership?</p>

<p>I would say that you would be able to get in all of them. The only thing that might hurt you is your sat but your gpa is pefect so that will help out. I think that villanaoca would be a perfect match for you</p>

<p>on the ecs and leadership they are focused in my major field business i was second in command of the accounting department for a regional bank.</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - Low Reach
university of minnesota twin cities - High Match/Low Reach
texas a&m college station - High Match/Low Reach
purdue university west lafayette - Low Reach
university of miami - Match
miami university - Match
villanova university - Safety
penn state university park - Match
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here - Safety
clemson university - Not sure
rutgers at new brunswick - High Match</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - reach
university of minnesota twin cities - match
texas a&m college station - reach
purdue university west lafayette - match
university of miami- reach
miami university - match
villanova university - high reach
penn state university park - reach
university of washington seattle - in
clemson university - match
rutgers at new brunswick - match
Your SATs are what make the difference.</p>

<p>Chance Back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>university of texas at austin …High reach … but its still possible
university of minnesota twin cities match… in
texas a&m college station match… in
purdue university west lafayette mid to high reach
university of miami mid reach
miami university match
villanova university match
penn state university park mid reach
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here in
clemson university in
rutgers at new brunswick in</p>

<p>you have a very well varied list… I dont think you have anything to worry about</p>

<p>university of texas at austin - pretty big reach (assuming you’re applying to the business school). It would help if you raised your SAT by a few hundred points.
university of minnesota twin cities - high match
texas a&m college station - high match
purdue university west lafayette - not sure on this one
university of miami - reach
miami university - high match
villanova university - low reach/high match
penn state university park - reach
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here - raise your SAT 100 points and you’re in
clemson university - in
rutgers at new brunswick - not sure on this one</p>

<p>How many AP’s have you taken? Did you take any SAT Subject Tests? How did you perform on them? These factors could greatly influence your applications. Also, don’t slack on the essays!!</p>

<p>SATs are average - slightly low for some of those schools (Texas @ Austin, Villanova, the like) but I think you’ve got a shot with all of them. Then again, I’m also clueless. Good luck</p>