chances at texas/a&m/minnesota etc

<p>I have applied to 15 diffrent schools I panicked a little.
My grades are a perfect 4.00 out of 4.00
My sats are a 1630 cr630 math 480 w520
I have great recommendation letters
I also have great work experience in the field I am applying business talking about 5 years of 30 hours a week at a large company.<br>
I also have good extras sports/community service etc
and I have 27 credits what are my chances at my schools I applied to the business schools</p>

<p>texas at austin
texas a&m
minnesota twin cities
penn state unviersity park
university of miami
miami unveristy [oxford]
university of washington seattle I have a legacy here
and rutgers new brunswick
what do you think my chances are and one last thing I was homeschooled through the academy of home education at BJU in south carolina.</p>

<p>if you need any additional info or if i left something out let me know.</p>

<p>I dont want to keep bumping I just want an opinion</p>

<p>does no one have an opinion</p>

<p>bump again</p>

<p>Texas at Austin admits very little out-of-state and you probably want to get your math scores up to have shots at schools like Miami, Clemson. I’d Say Texas A&M and University of Washington Seattle are your solids, not sure of the others but if you could get the math up to a 600+ Miami and the likes would be very solid IMO.</p>

<p>I know with texas just dumb no diversity. any other opinions? and the math score I dont think its going to go up.</p>

<p>What are your top 3 out of those schools?</p>

<p>texas/minnesota and villanova I think they are mid reaches.</p>

<p>id say texas is major reach and minnesota and villanova are decent shots</p>

<p>I figured the same I am from north dakota and minnesota give special consideration to students from ND so that helps.</p>

<p>Decent shot if you get the SATs up, just do practice tests - it works! Thanks for the chance, good luck.</p>

<p>all i can say is that texas is a mid read. dont know about others :/</p>

<p>are you instate texas resident? then you are in at texas a&m (you are guaranteed if you are top 10%), UT austin may be a safety (assuming you are instate and top 8% of your class) and it will definitely be a reach if you are out of state, clemson,penn state, rutgers, and purdue are low matches to matches, I honestly don’t know about minnesota and others but I would probably say mid to high matches…</p>

<p>no I am not instate by bad luck. thanks for the chance.</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with many of those schools, but since you’re out of state, UT Austin will be quite a reach because of your SATs.</p>

<p>You’re most likely in at purdue, penn state and UWash Seattle. I really haven’t even heard of some of the colleges you’ve listed and I wish I could give you a chance on the rest, but I’d rather not give you misleading info.</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me.</p>


<p>Wouldn’t know about all of the schools (sorry, I don’t keep up with things like this) but:</p>

<p>UT Austin Sorry, but this’ll be a reach. Firstly, Texas has this stupid little law (“top 10% rule”) where people ranked in the top 10% in a Texas high school get a much higher chance of getting in. Since this doesn’t apply to you, you’ll be competing against pretty much the best of the best.</p>

<p>Would it be possible for you to get your SAT to about 2100? That’d increase your chances greatly.</p>

<p>Texas A&M Safe.</p>

<p>That’s it. I don’t know much about the rest.</p>

<p>I’m not sure your grades will mean much because you’re homeschooled - sad, but true.</p>