chance me in state EA?

I am a senior from NY in a private catholic school on Long Island.
average: 88.5 (frosh 82, soph 90.1, junior 93.4)
ACT: 30 (27 eng, 28 math, 31 reading, 32 science) a 34 on reading if they superscore
I am part of:
Culinary Club (all years)
Spanish Club (2 years)
Senior leaders (senior who helped freshman through the transition into our school)
science club (one year)
science research club (just made thus year) and was just appointed secretary
i am a manger of the wrestling team also
i volunteered to clean my town and area after Hurricane Sandy
I volunteered at a horse barn with a riding program that is meant for therapy for special needs kids, but i had to stop volunteering cause i couldn’t get there any more
i have begun to volunteer at a hospital because of the ending of the program
i was a lifeguard during the summer of 2014, and had a full time job in the city for the summer of 2015 and am in the process of getting a job for weekends and after school
my essay was good i believe
i was told my teacher rec was going to be good
my guidance rec idk but most likely good
hooks: first generation

thanks so much in advance

you’re about the same as me, it mainly depends on your major

applied for biology

St. Ants? Chaminade? If it’s one of those, you should definitely be fine. I received my acceptance letter in the mail today. I honestly think you should be accepted. People from my school have been accepted with lower stats. Good luck :slight_smile:

They’ll probably let you into harpur.