Chance me? -JHU, BC

<p>Hey guys, Im a Junior in High School and I was just wondering what my chances were.. here are the schools im thinking about.</p>

<p>-Johns Hopkins University (Early Decision)
-Boston College
-Columbia University
-University of Maryland
-University of Michigan
-Tufts University
-Harvard U
-University Of Penn
-Rutgers Pharmacy
-University of Delaware</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA (Weighted): 98.99
Cumulative Rank: 31 (Not so great I know)
AP Classes:
AP Lang and Comp
Ap American Lit
AP us history 2
Ap gov pol
AP bio
AP physics
Ap french
AP Calc AB</p>

<p>Sat Scores: 2120
Math: 720
Reading: 700
Writing: 700</p>

-Almost every club my school offers... (6 a year so far)
-400+ Hours of Volunteering</p>

<p>If i write an awesome essay, and assuming i get good teacher recommendations, what are my chances?</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins University (Early Decision) Match
-Boston College Very High Safety/Low Match
-Rutgers Safety
-Brown Match
-Columbia University Reach
-NYU Match
-BU Safety
-Cornell High Match
-University of Maryland Safety
-University of Michigan Low Match
-Tufts University Match/Low Reach
-Harvard U Reach
-University Of Penn Reach
-Rutgers Pharmacy Safety
-University of Delaware Safety</p>

<p>I think too many ec’s(every club in school) can actually backfire.</p>

<p>you really think Rutgers pharm is a safety?
-and yeah i know what you mean.</p>