chance me, kiddos =] pleaseeeeee! i want lots of responses ^_^

<p>16 y/o male from rural Maine.</p>

<p>ranked 4/325 wGPA of 96.15, uwGPA of 93.7.
School's grading system has an A between 93-100, and a B between 87-92. (weird, I know)</p>

<p>AP's Already Taken: AP World History and AP Language and Composition (3 on test) <AP scores NOT submitted</p>

<p>current Classes:
AP Calculus (first quarter grade of 94)
AP Calculus (lab) (first quarter grade of 94)
AP Enlglish Lit (first quarter grade of 96)
AP French Language (first quarter grade of 96)
AP US History (first quarter grade of 96)
Physics (first quarter grade of 97)
Intro To Creative Writing at the University of Maine - Semester grade: A</p>

<p>^ I am taking more AP classes than any person in my school, which has an average SAT score of 1100 (on the 2400 point scale)
SAT: superscored > CR 700, Math 700, Writing 710 essay 8 :(<br>
ACT: 28 (34 Math, 28 English, 24 Reading, 24 Science, Essay: 11)
31 (32 Math, 31 Reading, 30 English, 30 Science, Essay: 11)
Respect Team - President
Character Building Committee - Leader
Band - First-chair alto saxophone
International Cultural Exchange Club -Member
Math Team - Member
Piano Lessons - 11 years
Drama Club - Representative
French Club - Member
French Club Fundraser - Participant
Mock Trial Club - Participant
Jazz Band - First-chair alto saxophone
School Advisory Heatlh Committee - Member
4-H Club - Member
Bullying Prevention Program - leader<br>
Destination Imagination Team - Member
Wellday Day Committee - Member
Oxford Hills Camera Club - Member
Tennis Club - Member
McLaughlin Gardens - Volunteer and cashier
Children's LOOK Program - Volunteer and teacher
Voting Member of the Oxford Hills Music and Performing Arts Association
Mentor for middle school students on a trip to New York.
Internship at local elementary school</p>

<p>^they seem varied but are mostly related to the arts, language, and education of elementary school students</p>

<p>Awards: President's Education Awards Program, Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Music Enthusiast Award, Da Vinci Award - Destination Imagination (went out to two teams out of fifty for exceptional performance in a specific medium), Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Jazz Award, District II Instrumental Music Festival - Alto Saxophone, 3rd place winner of Oxford Hills Monologue Competition, 3rd place in Oxford Hills for New England Math League contest (2005-2006)
Academic High Honors: Freshman year: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter Junior year: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Fourth Quarter.
Academic Honors: Freshman year: Fourth Quarter Sophomore year: First Quarter Junior year: Third Quarter.</p>

<p>My guidance counselor rec was great; she really got to know me well (I was even on the committee that hired her)
My french teacher's rec was good. I am the only person in my school of 1200 that continued with 5 years of french. we started with 50 people in 8th grade, and it ended up being only me.
My English teacher's rec was amazinggggggg. </p>

<p>my essay's were top notch - I had a professional read them all over and I did 10010239102839 revisions.</p>

<p>the only bad part of my application, in my opinion, was that under the quick takes section, I wrote "ispired" instead of "inspired" for the character trait section.</p>

<p>so , kids, PLEASE CHANCE ME!!</p>

<p>pleasee please pleaseeeeee</p>

<p>thanks =]</p>


<p>i mean match ;)</p>

<p>you're really young for a senior. i'm old. i'll be 19 before i graduate (private school made me start kindergarten a year later).</p>

<p>I'd be very surprised if you get rejected.</p>

<p>haha yeah, i skipped a couple of grades. 2nd and 4th. </p>

<p>is anyone else as young as I am? if so, do you think it'll be weird going into college being 2 or perhaps 3 years younger than everyone else? I look rather young for my age as well, so it's even worse.</p>

<p>and thanks for the quick replies everyone.
i'm really hoping that usc will be a math, i mean match, for the ispired, i mean inspired, young lad that I am.</p>

<p>oh, and also, does anyone know about the acceptance rate for marhsall?</p>

<p>you're fine for acceptance don't worry about it. as far as looking young, you should be fine. i'm a large person (6'3) but in the face i look about 16.</p>

<p>as a side note, when i visited usc, everyone looked like college age students. when i visited ucla, everyone looked about 2-3 years younger.</p>

<p>It....will be a bit weird if you are only 16. Perhaps not so much if you aren't in to the party scene though.</p>

<p>it will be more difficult as far as responsibility. when it urned 18, my parents were no longer required to do anything and i could just do things on my own.</p>

<p>I graduated HS when I was 16. There's been no problem regarding age except for the occasional parent's signature.</p>

<p>I wonder what would've happened if you applied to RHP. :)</p>

<p>Average kids from your school get 1100 out of 2400?</p>

<p>are you serious?</p>

<p>Your resume impresses me mucho.. what's your area of focus?</p>

<p>For5aken: Are you a guy or a girl? Definitely a lot harder for a guy, I'd think.</p>

<p>yep, average math is 370-ish, reading is 370-ish, writing is 360ish.. pretty pathetic, eh? in addition, my class had 450 people 3 years ago. now, 325. probably by the time i graduate, the figure will hover around 280.</p>

<p>and i'm from maine, which is the only state currently that requires all juniors to take the SATs, which are not used as predictions as to how well a student will do in his/her freshman year, but rather how well Maine students are performing in general.</p>

<p>stressed0ut, my area of focus will be business administration and management. however, i'd do ANYTHING to get into the business/entertain major, although I feel as if I'm much too late. and plus, that program is highly competitive and i doubt i'd have any sort of a chance.</p>

<p>oh, and i forgot to mention in my other posts that my essay is about my world record rubber band ball (made in 4th grade) that won me national acclaim but also changed my personality from a diffident boy with no friends to a confident young man eager to tackle most anything. it was this big metaphor relating the growth of the rubber band ball to my individual growth; just as I watched the small clump of rubber bands grew into a monstrous sphere, my family and friends watched my personality begin to take shape and grow in a special way. eaech elastic placed on the ball instilled an ever-growing confidence in me--one that i still retain strong today.
I even sent in a picture of me and it to all schools to which I am applying.</p>

<p>wow! sounds like an essay I'd like to read.</p>

<p>You're in.</p>

<p>your essay sounds great!</p>

<p>Mine is very similar to yours.. I compared myself to Shrek, the computer-animated ogre. I talked about how Shrek and I are similar because we have both learned to balance dual roles in life. Shrek has also taught me although life does not end in fairy-tale-like endings, I will personally bring positive influence to a community by surpassing a hard obstacle in life. </p>

<p>You sent in a picture of yourself? haha that's unique!
Out of all the colleges I've applied to, only Georgetown's got a place where you can upload your picture if you so chose. </p>

<p>you should be in. good luck</p>

<p>your stats do look good, but I'm responding more to offer some advice: take a year off. Work, travel, volunteer, something that develops your personality and maturity. I turned 17 a week before I started at USC, and I would have had a much better experience if I had waited. Not only are there some wierd things about being underage, like not being able to sign things yourself and having to get a provisional drivers license, but it was my obvservation that older students did better in their studies. They were more mature and focused; they knew exactly what they wanted out of college. I know you'll be sitting there reading this thinking, 'but I'm very mature for my age." So was I, and frequently heard so from adults, but there's a difference between being mature for your age, and really being mature.</p>

<p>Even if you don't listen to this now, if you find yourself in a year or two feeling a bit lost, uncertain if you still want to pursue your chosen major, or having any sort of other difficulties, I hope you'll remember that it's ok to take time off. You don't always have to be the first through everything, and it doesn't mean you're the best. If you get to a point like that, it's ok to take a year off to figure things out as long as you do something great with that year.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>sfgiants: I'm a guy, but I'm not quite sure how things would be more difficult for guys.</p>

<p>ohman442: My freshman class had ~800 people. My graduating class had slightly less than 400 students. About a fifth of those go on to college. Pathetic? I feel ya. :)</p>

<p>Oh, as much as I despise reading, I would definitely read your essay.</p>

sfgiants: I'm a guy, but I'm not quite sure how things would be more difficult for guys.


<p>At parties, picking up girls, that kind of thing.</p>

<p>No one's ever asked me my age at a party, but I see what you mean. :p</p>

<p>ohman442, don't worry about being too young, especially if you choose to live in Marks Hall. Some RHPers will likely be 15, so although you're young, you're definitely not the youngest. Of course, being 19 is fine too.</p>