Chance Me/Match Me (my kid) Oregon Senior wanting Engineering in the NE, upper Midwest, West [3.8 GPA, 1240 and 1370 SAT]

Totally get it and saw that. All engineering should be seeking help till they know that they don’t need it. Prepare for success and not failure. Engineering for some is unforgiving. But worthwhile if you have persistence and the will.


My '23 is at Lafayette. He is also a theater kid and got a part in the fall play which we didn’t expect as a first year. He also joined a choir which he has never done before. I think Lafayette is looking for geographical diversity so that might help your student. My S is in Integrative Engineering and very happy so far. Worth an application! Another student from our MN high school I know got in without submitting a test score and applied RD (mine was ED).


Wow, thank you! There are so many on this list that I had never seen or considered. Well, except for Rennselaer - my other kid toured there and did not like it. :laughing:

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Definitely a residential campus, he does not want a commuter school. Being part of a college community is important for him.

My other kid is currently an EE junior - I had NO idea how tough it is! I feel so bad for her and wish that she could have a little more fun while in school. She’s absolutely crushing it though! Working on a satellite to Mars or something? I don’t know. They do math that I don’t think existed when I was in college. It’s like going to the theater when she tries to explain her physics homework to us. Entertaining, but not much comprehension or retention.

Yes! Lafayette is of great interest. But I think ultimately it will be a little too small and a little too remote for him. But we’ll see…it could be perfect!

Yep. I wouldn’t say that his high school has extreme grade inflation, just normal sized post-covid grade inflation, but there is a good-sized cohort that have 4.0s. GPA there is all unweighted.

I like your ideas of looking for “school where the faculty members have experience supporting non-superstar stats students” and looking into schools that offer EE and the EETech.


Nevermind. I went back and reread the OP.

Yay! His SAT score from Oct 7th came back! 1370! I think that will help him.


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