Chance me? Northern VA Undecided

I applied to Virginia Tech RD and here are my stats.

Location: Northern Virginia

Major: Undecided

Gender: Male

GPA: 3.9 Unweighted, 4.2 Weighted
SAT- 1950
700 Math, 650 reading, 600 writing

ACT: 28

AP Euro (3)
AP U.S. History (5)
AP Psychology (4)
AP Language (3)
IB Environmental Systems (4)
IB Economics (4)

Currently Taking;

  • AP Lit
  • AP Gov
  • IB Psych
  • IB Math Studies
  • DE Geospatial Systems

Extracurricular: Varsity golf (3 years-captain), Varsity track (1 year), Umpiring baseball (10 hrs/week), Summer Camp Counselor, Country Club Employee (8 hrs/week), Rec Basketball and baseball, Church involvement

Chance me and I will chance back!