chance me now urgent

<p>SAT comp: CR 730, M 800, W 800
SAT 2: M 800, US 800, Bio 750, Chem ~740 (just took it)
GPA: 4.5 W
AP: Bio 5, Euro 5, Chem 4, US 5, Spanish 5
AP this year: English Comp, Calc BC, Physics, Art History, Studio Art
Attend a prestigious school, 27th in nation</p>

<p>College Rec
Teacher 1 : haven’t read
Teacher 2 : “
Counselor: “</p>

Studio Art really…this is where most of my time goes
Ima gonna send in an arts supplement
President of Art Club
Arts Rep for Senior Class Council
Volunteer service every summer abroad
Piano and Violin</p>

<p>oh from San Diego, CA
ASIAN obvs (piano and violin?)</p>

<3 ya</p>

<p>Go read the 2013 Official Decisions Thread. There is no such thing as an accurate “chance” in this game!</p>

<p>All you can do is try your best, show your passion, and hope for some luck on your side!</p>

<p>Yeah, for serious, chances don’t help at all. 3 people told me I would “definitely” get in and I got deferred. And look at TheWerg, I would have bet like $100 on his acceptance…pfft. It really is random in a lot of (most) ways.</p>