Chance me on UCI and UCSD

How screwed do you guys think I am with these stats?
Ethnicity: Asian-American Male (rip)
Income: Middle Class
UCSD Major : Biomedical Engineering (why)
Alt: Psychology
UCI Major: Business Administration
Alt: Comp Sci.
GPA: 3.67 UW (lol), 3.92 UC GPA
SAT: 1420, 19 essay
ECs: XC 4 Years and Track 4 Years, Varsity Track for 2 years, Varisty XC for one year.
I have work experience too that I put down. Volunteer work for Autism Speaks events throughout all 3 summers.
APs: AP Euro (5), AP Lang (5), AP Bio (3)
Felt my essays were pretty damn good. 8/10.

Even if I don’t get into UCSD, would these stats be okay-ish for UCI at all? Just want this college season to end so I can just sleep all day…

Addition: Explanation for less than stellar GPA is elaborated in one of my essays. Nasty nasty family issues. Webs of lies and near death experiences took a mental toll on our family and ended in a divorce, which basically screwed over my freshman and sophomore years of HS. Spiked my grades up in Junior year, but I think it was too little to late.

sorry to hear about your families challenges. Those schools are very GPA focused so, it will be an uphill climb. hoping you applied more broadly.

good luck