Chance me for UCs please (Bio)

*(Bio Major) Hey guys just wanted to hear my chances for UCSC,UCD, UCI, UCSB, and UCSD (already accepted to UCM and UCR)
UC GPA: 3.85 (4.5 gpa junior year — talked about lacking grades in sophomore year in essay due to tough circumstances)
ACT: 33
SAT 2 U.S. History: 730 idk why I took this
AP Tests: AP US: 4, AP Stat: 4, and AP Art History: 3
Senior year course load: AP Computer Science A, AP Physics C, AP Government and Economics, English 4, and AP Calculus AB
(First generation American immigrant from Afghan descent)
Some of my EC
-Play guitar and took many courses through HS
-Tutor at local library for children in 8th grade and below
-Helped coordinate events with the Malibu Youth Commission
-180 hours of volunteer services at Local Hospital
-Falling Whistles Club for two years
-Played High School volleyball for two years and club volleyball (was team captain) (would’ve played all four years of highschool, but I had to quit due to a bad shoulder injury…talked about this in essays and how the injury has influenced my career decisions)
-Flea Market → Go to the flea market with my dad every now and then to help him.
(Job Experience)
-Graphic Design → Designed T-Shirts for a t-shirt brand in LA
-Collect Rare shoes (Jordans, Yeezys, etc…) and sell to consignment stores.
-Tutor (chem, math, ACT, etc…)
-AP Scholar Award
-Honor Roll

In State
Low Income family - 30k - parents seperated

wow man that’s impressive

High ACT score but you UC GPA is a bit low, but your test scores and ECs will probably make up for it. I would UCSC would be easy to get into. UCSB, UCI, and UCD a little harder, but you are more than likely going to get in. UCSD may be a bit tough, but I still think its manageable. I could see you getting into all of them.

@Gumbymom any input?

Best chances will be UCSC and UCI, although UCI’s Biology major is impacted and the average UC GPA is 4.00. Your ACT is very strong but UC’s tend to be GPA focused. If your essays and EC’s are well received you might have a better chance at UCD and UCSB (both High Match-Low Reach). UCSD will be tough since Biology is a capped major.

Good Luck.

@Gumbymom I got into UCSD and UCD!

Congratulations on your acceptances and so glad my predictions were off. Best of luck.