<p>I recently submitted my application for agri-accounting.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.6
ACT: 27 (taking again in 2 weeks in hopes of a 29)
Rank: School doesn't rank
Honors Bio, Chem, Physics
Honors Comparative Global Issues, US History
AP Calculus AB, AP Psychology
5 Years of Foreign Language
EC: (not much)
Swimming (9th, 10th)
Water Polo (9th, 11th, 12th)
65+ hours of community service at a physical therapy rehabilitation center
40 hour/8 week job at the same place as community service</p>
<p>Rank will be estimated if school doesn’t rank. You appear to be in the college’s middle 50% range. However, you should consider your essays to be important. Though ACES has lower middle 50% ranges than business, LAS and engineering, it is particularly attuned and experienced at weeding out and rejecting those it believes are applying to ACES but really are doing so with hope of transfering to another UIUC college later. In other words, you need to convince them you are serious about pursuing agriculture.</p>