Chance ME!

<p>i already EA-ed for uiuc and the results are coming out on friday but i'm really worried and i don't know whether i have a shot of going in.</p>

<p>here are my stats:</p>

<p>Choice of Major: Business (Accounting)
SAT (Best scores)
Math: 630
CR: 550
Writing: 590</p>

<p>AP Enviro: 4
AP Mandarin: 5
AP Stats and Calc to be attempted</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6</p>

<p>i think UIUC is a match for you :slight_smile:
I’m sure you’ll get in!!! :DDD</p>

<p>I’m afraid I’d have to disagree with the above poster for two reasons. (1) Business is very competitive, and accounting is, if not the most competitive business program, it’s among the toughest to get into. (2) Your stats make it a reach for you.</p>

<p>But, having said that, applying during the priority period gives you your best shot, and I wish you luck in getting in.</p>