Chance Me, Please! Applying to all Ivies

<p>If you have the time!</p>

<p>Rank: 2 of 410
SAT: 2400
Math Level 2: 790
Japanese listening: 780
Spanish with listen: 800
Chemistry: 790

<p>AP: Government, Biology, Chemistry, APUSH, English Langauge and Composition, Japanese 5
French 4</p>

<p>Awards: National Merit Scholar.</p>

<p>ECs: President of NHS. President of Habitat for Humanity school chapter. First chair violinist of school orchestra. President of Math League. school musical.</p>

<p>Volunteer: Volunteer at homeless shelter, public library.</p>

<p>Hobbies: Singing. Architecture. Dancing (13 yrs)</p>

<p>Schools: All ivies and Julliard, john hopkins</p>

<p>Intended Major: Dance or Biology (Pre-Med track)</p>

<p>Great stats! The higher ivies are always questionable no matter who you are, but you’ve definitely got a chance at the middle to higher ones. Just make sure you show interest in the colleges you want to go to, they track that and it can affect their decisions. I know nothing of Julliard, but Johns Hopkins seems like it would be a match. Good luck!</p>

<p>The mention that you’re applying to “all Ivies” concerns me that you’re in it just for the prestige. Many Ivies are VASTLY different from each other-are you sure you could realistically see yourself at each and every one of them?</p>

<p>Who would apply to all the ivies when all of them are so different? Seriously, i think that’s a bit much & although you have good scores, your ECs etc are nothing outstanding & you have no awards besides NM? I think you’ll get into at least one or two of them, but anyone who applies to all the Ivies probably is just in it for prestige</p>

<p>I’d say, from what you have here, you are riding on your test scores.</p>

<p>You are the prime example of someone who relies on their numbers to make up for their lack of subjective stuff.</p>

<p>@gregrunt: Thank you so much. I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that you never know your chance with Ivies. But I’m taking mine ;)</p>

<p>@ds143: I admit it. A bit of the reason why I’m applying to all Ivies because they are, of course, known as the best of the best. One would be lying if he/she denies it. And, I believe, all who do apply to Ivies are driven by their prestigious statuses.</p>

<p>But each Ivy has its quirks. </p>

<p>I like Yale because the campus was relaxed and teachers were wonderful to meet.
I like Harvard because of its library.
Princeton because of Suzanne Agins.</p>

<p>I’m a complex person, driven by different reasons that please me. I am not confined by any restrictions. I’m still young so I find nothing wrong with taking chances and trying new things. So, I do see myself everywhere.</p>



<p>I wanted to apply to Princeton before I knew it was an Ivy league school and before I knew how prestogious it was. Quite honestly, I thought Princeton was just like any other college, but boy was I wrong. It’s still my top choice regardless of any prestige related facts</p>

<p>@xAAAx…I think applying to an Ivy league school, requires you to KNOW that it is an Ivy League school. But yes, I should have said, “partially driven”.</p>

<p>@HYP: Well, I don’t know. If I want to be chanced, don’t I have to list my SAT scores?</p>

<p>Awards: Yale University Book Award. USNCO, high honors.</p>

<p>Additional ECs: I trained with Kurt Sassmannshaus for 5 years.</p>

<p>It’s hard to say with the ivies. You have a VERY good chance with the ones that are a bit easier to get into like Cornell and Upenn but the others, namely HYP, you never know. Nevertheless, if you prove to be unique in your essays, I’m sure you will get into atleast one school you want to go to. Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I agree cookiemonster7. Will chance you and good luck too!</p>